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  1. Well lets see... CM Storm Devastator Mouse and Keyboard, samsung earphones (no idea what model). The logo looks dope. (Y)
  2. That is a super cool projector. Extremely useful in small cramped spaces. Like my room ?
  3. Vessel User: xplodnow Favourite videos: https://www.vessel.com/videos/G-DUjgUyY https://www.vessel.com/videos/JemZ8O7Hy Shared Links: https://twitter.com/xXDracarysXx/status/580281311983579136 https://www.facebook.com/ksivab?fref=nf Best of luck to everyone yeah!
  4. Omg. The omega looks so damn thick, wonder if it will cause problems when trying to run it in sli. Anyways, these cards are priced waaaay too much from where i come from, Singapore. Lol.
  5. Wow. Congratulations. You guys deserve every bit of success and more. This is the channel i look to for honest and trustworthy reviews and u guys have never given me a reason to think otherwise.