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About Spideybro

  • Birthday Mar 02, 1995

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    - Computers and tech
    - Movies all day every day
    - Recreational Target Shooting
    - World of Warcraft
    - House of Cards!
    - Taylor Swift?
    - Other, more acceptable music
    - Making music
    - Riding Quads/Dirtbikes etc
    - General Badassery
  • Biography
    Hi, my name is Isaac and I'm a geek. I enjoy all things tech and spend an unruly amount of time lurking various tech forums and news sites. I'm also an avid WoW player, and a damned good one at that! I currently raid on Stormrage with my guild Rising Tide [14/14H] three days a week. When I'm not on my computer I'm at school or outdoors taking in that awesome Arizona weather. (No, my front yard is not sand dunes). Finally, I'm pretty into music and have a pretty varied taste. Yes, I do like Taylor Swift, and yes, I do get made fun of for it. But fear not, for I will stand strong in the face of adversity and I most certainly will shake it off!

    Thanks for your time!


  • CPU
    Intel i5-3570k @ 4.2GHz
  • Motherboard
    MSI Z77A-G45 Gaming
  • RAM
    16GB Kingston Hyperx Beast
  • GPU
    Gigabyte GTX 970
  • Case
    Corsair 330R
  • Storage
    250GB Samsung 840 EVO
  • PSU
    Corsair RM850
  • Display(s)
    Asus PB278q
  • Keyboard
    Corsair K70 Red
  • Mouse
    Logitech G500 & Razer Naga 2014
  • Operating System
    Windows 7

Spideybro's Achievements

  1. 50% off Logitech gaming peripherals with promo code: PCGAMEDEAL Promo code is entered at the end of the transaction before final total. Check under the header " More ways to pay" Link here. Stuff like mice, keyboards, headsets, racing wheels. I believe the deal ends midnight tonight.
  2. Hey guys, I just wanted to share this awesome game with you. It's basically a port of Halo 3 for PC, but it has been developed by ElDewrito and Anvil Online. They've put a lot of work into this and I'd really like to see the community grow. Below are links to their Reddit pages as well as a video tutorial by NeatMike on how to get it running. Just as a note, this is not an official work by Bungie or Microsoft. Main Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/HaloOnline/ Download Links: https://www.reddit.com/r/HaloOnline/comments/423you/0501/ Video Tutorial
  3. Yes. But does it beat this?! 9.925/10 -IGN
  4. Please take note that this service, dubbed "Binge On", only counts at 480p. T-Mobile argues that the difference between 1080p and 480p on mobile devices is negligible given the screen size and viewing distances that users typically have. I agree to a certain extent that the difference is negligible, but it is noticeable when you really look at it. Still though, mobile streams trump many cable/satellite channels quality-wise imo. Overall I'd say that this is a good change, I like free things. On a side note, I do remember unlimited data being a thing. Its amazing that advertisers are quick to point out that you're getting '50% more data' for free when just a few years ago you got infinitely more for less money.
  5. You could also look into the used market and get an i5 - xxxxk for $180 and literally be set for any major title for the foreseeable future. That would be my choice, even if I had to wait and save up a bit.
  6. Fry's seems to have these random case deals that are really good. I got a Corsair 330R for $40 about a year ago when the case retailed for about $130. My next build is for sure gonna use one of these aluminum/tempered glass cases. That case is sexy af.
  7. You're fine with this post. It's new and sold by a reputable vendor.
  8. I used a shitty Coolmax 650w PSU for like 2 years that I got for $35. Can you say Danger Zone!!
  9. Project Titan was cancelled by Blizzard like forever ago.
  10. I'm not sure if anyone has posted this or not. But it may help some people wanting to update asap. This will force Windows 7/8.1 to start the update to 10.
  11. The cheapest kit, 8gb minimum, and try to match your color scheme if possible. A kit with 2 sticks is better than a kit with one stick usually, so 8gb= 4gb + 4gb.
  12. The thing I don't understand is how they thought this would actually fly. They certainly have a large sum of data available to them that tells them what people want, and they must know it's not tupperware and phone cases. It's still early on, but if at the end of the day, this is as good as it gets...they are going to have to deal with one hell of a shit storm. They built so much hype around this event and it's fallen flat, costing Amazon a great deal of credibility. They've set themselves up for disaster. I'm excited to sit back and watch.