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About Lexzt

  • Birthday Sep 16, 1994

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Hai, My Name is Keith.
    I am from Singapore, Which is located around Asia, and not in China.
    Still a pretty new guy in most aspects and love to read bout IT, I mean like, Who doesn't!
  • Occupation
  • Member title
    Junior Member
  1. Username - lameold https://www.vessel.com/videos/JLpxC_Zl9 https://www.vessel.com/videos/AIrgVSK8f
  2. Lexzt

    Display advise

    Hello people! I have been a lurker, and have come out of the shadows for some advise! I spend most of my time, watching US Dramas, None of which are better than 1080p, and playing a few games. I am thinking of getting a new monitor, and recently, I am leaning towards XStar 1440p Monitor - http://www.ebay.com/itm/X-STAR-DP2710LED-PLS-Panel-WQHD-2560x1440-27inch-Computer-Monitor-/330932578190?pt=Computer_Monitors&hash=item4d0d1e678e However, as Linus has said that 4k is dead to him, I was wondering maybe I should try - http://www.ebay.com/itm/CrossOver-290M-LG-IPS-LED-2560x1080-QHD-DVI-D-21-9-cineview-29-Computer-Monitor-/221514810120?ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT And as I continue on, I came across this deal http://www.samsung.com/hk_en/consumer/computer-peripherals/monitors/consumer/LS27D590PS/XK?subsubtype=series-5-led + Samsung SSD 120G for 340. Keep in mind it is a local deal, and I don't have an SSD. Which would you guys get?
  3. How they are so awesome to give away 25 models! Also, the 1440p screen and the back facing buttons!
  4. Hello all, I recently went back and cleared up my stuff, and found this old thumbdrive. However, it does not show up in My Computer. So, I tried to assign a letter to it via Disk Management. However, It said to refresh or reboot. Tried that, Didnt work. So, I went on, to DiskPart, to - List Disk - Select Disk 1 ( 14G Space, My Thumbdrive obviously ) - Detail Disk "There are no volumes" So, I checked against my laptop, and it works perfectly. I even formatted it to NTFS before trying it out again on my desktop, but to no avail. I read that I should boot to windows via CD, and reformat the Thumbdrive. Havent done that yet, as troublesome. Any advise guys?
  5. Lexzt

    Oppo N1

    There has been a-lot of controversy recently with with CyanogenMod recently annocing that they are a company now, And that they have managed to find an OEM manufacturer. Also, As seen in this picture, https://twitter.com/oppo/status/382108619312857088/photo/1 ( The Man Himself! ) With OPPO posting on their Youtube videos, it seems likely that they are one of the OEM, and they are releasing a new phone now! ( 8.15pm ). Live Stream: http://c.youku.com/n1 ( Do Take note, Might be laggy, And is in Chinese ) Key Features talked about so far. - Their new OS, Color OS, ( Much like MIUI I feel personally ) - Rotatable 13MP Camera F2.0 Aperture ( 206 Degrees, So it is able to take front facing pictures, and the usual rear ones ) - Rear touch back. ( Not sure what it really does yet. Should be gestures ) - 5.9" Full HD Screen ( Amazing Bezzle, Super thin? ) - 16/32 GB - O-Click Sensor, A remote control for the Camera - 3610 mAh Battery - NFC ( Hint hint. ) http://en.oppo.com/n1/ What do you guys think?
  6. Okay thanks alot. Will RMA following week. Any guides on RMA?
  7. Yea, Pretty sure Corshair is a great brand. But question - 650 W enough for this rig right? And yes. Fans literally stop spinning, All mah lights also go out. I do not have another PSU to test it out with, But I guess I could RMA it ASAP.
  8. Power cut off. Like cut off power, plugged it back in, and pressed the power button. Its really weird. And it dosent only happen when the PC requires more Watts. Just randomly happens. Also, It randomly hangs my pc. Even on boot when loading windows.
  9. Hey guys, Whats up! My PC seems to be randomly restarting. No blue screen at all. It just shuts down, and restarts again. As there are not blue screen, I cant seem to find any error messages to show. Making me think it could be a hardware problem. Maybe the PSU? Sometimes also, My PC does not output display to monitor, and is stuck in Dr Debug mode. Error Msges varies alot. So cant really say. Plus, When I press the force reset button, It shut downs first, before restarting like a pc, Like there is a sudden lost of power. Also, In small games like LoL, When it comes to engages, the FPS suddenly drops, Without a reason. I highly think that my PSU is dying, or something, But do help My Setup: CPU: i5 2500k ( No Overclock ) GPU: PowerColor 6950. Mobo: Asrock Extreme 3 PSU: Corsair HX650W HDD: Seagate 500GB Any help would be greatly appreiciated. Thanks!
  10. Since the last live stream, Linus has been complaining about phone battery. Lets just hope this come to life. My take: If I could charge my phone that fast, and last that long, that would be out of this world. And it is coming from an 18 yrs old teen. Pretty awesome. Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/teens-invention-could-charge-your-phone-20-seconds-1C9977955
  11. https://www.google.com.sg/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&ie=UTF-8#hl=en&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&q=filco+ninja+majestouch-2&oq=flico+maninja&gs_l=hp.3.1.0i13l4.230026.241173.0.242658.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41248874,d.bmk&fp=e4f2005008916197&ion=1&biw=1400&bih=989 This keycaps with backlit. Haha
  12. Just a quick question. I been googling around, and have not really seen it anywhere. WIth ninja key in a cm storm tkl, Would it be possible for the backlit to shine towards you due to the key caps? As the backlit of the CM TKL is quite bright, I was wondering if the light will pass through the keycaps. Just imagine, I think it would be pretty awesome if it does. I asked around but they say that I may need to mod my keyboard cause of the position of the backlit.
  13. Quick Question. What happens if you were to backlit a ninja key? is that possible? Awesome to actually have light shining directly at you while not wearing them out
  14. Hey, I aint too sure about this, But I think I read somewhere that BF3 is yet to support windows 8 fully and people are still having some problems here and there. Just my point of view. Other than that, Hardware wise, looks good to me. =D. buuuuuut, I aint an AMD fanboy so cant say much bout that CPU. xD