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A Rant About My School's IT Management



blog-0524962001402253374.jpegOk, this is my first post and let's see how this goes.

I know that some of you might be thinking "Good, just what we needed, another teen ranting with no effing reason!", no, I called my blog antoainb's rant n' stuff Blog, yeah, but my rants won't be stupid.

Let's start with a rant about my school's stupid IT management.

I go to a public school, it's no luxury school but it still manages to beat the other ones in the city in terms of grades, despite being the one with the oldest building and with all of the "complicated" student's that are "too shady" for other schools. I like my school in many ways, good teachers, good staff, etc. But one thing I don't get and that's the IT management over there.

The school changed school district this year and who runs the IT infrastructure isn't clear at this point. There is, however, a school assistant that does the maintenance (not very well but ~50 computers are kinda hard to manage), this rant isn't about him or the slow computers we have but about how they manage the money.

This year, the library teacher retired and a new one replaced her. The new teacher is by far the one that irritates me the most, even more than my old English teacher, something I couldn't imagine was possible. Somehow my school has money to buy 10 more computers for the library, 5 more for the administrative services, tons of new books for the library, new DVD's for the library, a new DVD player and the most superfluous of the acquisitions, two effing wireless headphones, why, just why? Do you need a wireless pair of headphones to watch DVD's? Really? There are 35 or so computers that are from 2007, broken, slow, not capable of playing a YT video inside of the class rooms where students learn and you go ahead and spend money on new computers, monitors, WIRELESS HEADPHONES and such? How much money do you even have, huh? 15 computers can populate almost two blocks of rooms. I get that the library is important and such but so are class rooms and the library shouldn't be spending money on computers that might get replaced next year when they re-build the school.


