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  • CPU
    Ryzen 7 2700X
  • Motherboard
    Asrock B450 ITX
  • RAM
    16GB DDR4 2400Mhz
  • GPU
    EVGA GTX 980Ti SC
  • Case
    Silverstone Sugo13
  • Storage
    Samsung 840 EVO 250GB SSD
  • PSU
    Corsair SF600
  • Display(s)
    Dell 27inch 1440P
  • Cooling
    Be Quiet Shadow Rock LP + Noctua 140mm.
  • Mouse
    Logitech G500

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  1. Hello all, I am looking at getting a 5700X3D as an upgrade for my 2700X. The price has been steadily dropping here in Europe from about 280 EUR at launch to about 230 EUR now. I am in no hurry, so do you all expect this price to drop even further? Or is this about the lowest it will get before creeping back up? Is AMD going to keep making this part for a long time? (the 5800X3D dropped from launch, got down to about 280 EUR, but has since crept back up to 315 EUR). Thanks!
  2. I must agree with OP and had this exact thought yesterday. I am running a SFF case, and it is almost impossible to buy a modern GPU now. My case is limited to a 2.5 slot + 270mm length card. That used to cover most midrange to high-end GPU options. Nowadays, you can barely find like a 7700XT that fits these requirements. Technology is improving, making the GPU's faster. But at the same time, manufacturers are also just making bigger and more beefy cards to kind of bruteforce the problem. GPU power usage has also just kept increasing every year.
  3. Strangely, I also had some initial stutters on the DX11 mode of the game, although much less severe than on DX12 mode (game gives you the option to switch). In any case, the problem seems to have subsided without me changing anything.. most logical explanation I guess is that it was some kind of shader compilation stutter. I also did some further checks on the GPU: - 3D Mark Time Spy graphics score is normal for a 7800XT (18920 points) - clocks seem stable - temps seem normal (not exceeding 80C) - games seem to run fine now So I guess it is behaving normally now Thanks to everyone who helped out!
  4. Okay so a little update on this... I played Battlefield V again last night, and the microstuttering issue was mostly gone. Looking at the frametime graph of MSI afterburner, it basically looked the same as with my old GPU. Mostly smooth 60fps, with very rarely a stutter. Is it possible that the constant stutters were due to shader cache compilation? I've read that this needs to happen after installing new GPU? Switching maps, the issue was there again briefly, and then gone again. I've heard it needs to compile shaders for every map, so that would check out? Not sure why Battlefield V would suffer from this issue, but I have not noticed it with other games at all? Do some games not compile shaders? I've not really heard about this phenomenon before.. Thanks!
  5. Yeah thats what I thought as well, if the PSU was overloaded, the system would just shut down or crash... Yes for sure the GPU cables I triple checked they are plugged in.
  6. It happens both on DX12 and DX11 (Battlefield V supports both), but it seems to be worse on DX12. Yes, but I am running in 60Hz Vsync, so the FPS cap is 60fps, Its not like Im running at 200 fps and then the CPU all of a sudden is hickuping, it should be a smooth 60 fps, which the CPU is capable of. I'm not sure, Ill need to check that. Thanks for the feedback. My gut feeling was also that this is not normal. I guess I will try and reinstall Windows, see if that helps more than the DDU did. Hmm, interesting, that is a plausible explanation. Would a different power profile help in that case? I guess I should also mention that my PSU is only 600 Watts (Corsair 600W Gold rated SFX). This is below the recommended minimum PSU for the 7800XT of 700Watts. Could a lack of power to the GPU be causing this? (the GPU power draw shown by Radeon overlay is never above 250 Watts).
  7. I know the CPU is the bottleneck in this system, but does it make sense that the performance is actually WORSE than with my old GPU? To me, the CPU performance should have stayed the same. At Vsync 60fps mode, I cannot imagine why my CPU is all of a sudden causing microstutters, whereas before, it was not. Also, yes, the RAM is running at 3200 Mhz with the XMP profile. Yup I did. Thanks. Yes I did, thanks.
  8. Hello all, I recently upgraded my dying GTX 980ti to a reference Radeon 7800XT. (rest of system: Ryzen 2700X, 32GB 3200MHZ DDR4, B450 mobo) EDIT: I guess I should also mention that my PSU is only 600 Watts (Corsair 600W Gold rated SFX). This is below the recommended minimum PSU for the 7800XT of 700Watts. Could a lack of power to the GPU be causing this? (the GPU power draw shown by Radeon overlay is never above 250 Watts). Obviously the performance difference is massive, and most games run really well on ultra at 1440p. However, in Battlefield V, I am noticing some microstutters that weren't there before. With my 980ti, I was able to run Battlefield V on high / ultra, and it was super smooth. With the 7800XT, I get microstutters down to 19fps (99% percentile). Is this normal? Is this because of the AMD drivers? Or is something else going on? I could upgrade my CPU to a 5700X3D, in the hopes that fixes it, but I am kind of annoyed this problem has popped up with a much more powerful GPU. Anyone have any recommendations on this? Thanks!
  9. Interesting on the AGESA and the throttling. Perhaps we will never know, but I would say that whatever was causing this, it was not normal behavior. It must have been some kind of hardware malfuction of some kind; or some kind of serious misconfiguration that was overlooked. I mean, hardware reviewers often test different motherboards with the same chipset: "what is the best motherboard for XYZ chipset". The differences you see are usually within 5% of one another. So there is absolutely no way there is a 40% difference because the Asus board is "better".
  10. I don't know, that doesn't sound plausible at all. Even if it was something related to BIOS settings (memory tuning, auto overclocking like PBO, SAM) you wouldn't see 40% difference. Any of these settings would account for like 5-10% difference in performance at most. I feel like something was wrong with this Asrock board. Either overheating on the chipset / VRM's? Which could throttle the CPU under load? Or something wrong with the PCI-e slot / settings? Causing the GPU to not be fully utilized? Also, did both boards run latest BIOS version (same AMD AGESA version number)? It could be some kind of performance bug that AMD fixed in a newer AGESA version? Especially in the earlier days of the ZEN architecture, newer AGESA versions were known to fix memory compatibility issues, etc.
  11. Hello all, I've just ordered an RX 7800XT to replace my dying GTX 980Ti. Now I am running a 2700X on a B450 ITX motherboard with 32GB of 3200Mhz Ram. I am strictly gaming 1440P/60 fps, since my monitor is only 60Hz. (I know the 7800XT is technically overkill, but I want to keep the card for a while). I'm wondering: should I upgrade my 2700X to a 5700X3D (keeping the same motherboard) while I'm at it, to utilize the 7800XT fully? I'm thinking no, since the 2700X can still drive 60fps at Ultra in (almost) all games. So I won't be noticing any difference going to a 5700X3D? Perhaps in a couple years, when games get way harder to run, and my 2700X cannot sustain 60fps anymore, it would be worth upgrading? Or am I missing something? Thanks!
  12. OK thanks for the feedback. Yeah its probably 8 or 9 years old, so it is not impossible that it is just going bad. The temps are totally normal, dont exceed 75C or so. Thanks for weighing in. I could try and repaste, but at this point I don't think that will fix it. Guess I'll be shopping for a new GPU..
  13. Hello all, My PC has recently started crashing under load when gaming. Either blue screen of death and reboot, or crashing the games to desktop. Happens with any game. If I turn the max GPU power down to 70% in MSI Afterburner, the crashes stop, or become much more rare. So I am thinking either the PSU is going bad, and cannot supply enough stable power anymore under 100% load, or the GPU is going bad. Which is more likely to blame in this scenario, PSU or GPU? Sadly I don't have either another PSU or GPU to test at the moment, so I'll have to order either part. My specs: Ryzen 2700X Asrock B450 iTX PSU: Corsair 600W ITX GPU: EVGA Geforce 980 Ti RAM: 32 GB DDR4 3200 MHZ. Thanks!
  14. Hello all, Long story short, my wife ended up on a website that got hacked. She stupidly clicked on a link that told her her "browser was outdated". It downloaded 'something' to her downloads folder. She then realized her mistake, and without opening the downloaded file, she deleted it and emptied her trash. - She had Avira antivirus running the whole time, and it did not detect / pop up anything. - I've done a full system scan with Avira, didn't find anything. - I've done a full system scan with ESET, didn't find anything. I'm still kind of worried that clicking this malicious link somehow infected her PC with some trojan, zero-day attack, or whatever. I know some forms of attack don't even require the user to click anything, and visiting a malicious website is enough. So I am tempted to just reinstall Windows 11 to be on the safe side? Or am I being paranoid? What would you do? Thanks!
  15. So you got the early access version and refunded it? I think I will try it on Game Pass, I won't pay $70 for it... And I was thinking of upgrading my PC to play it, but I don't think I will.