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About Ajirax

  • Birthday Jun 17, 1992

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  • CPU
    Intel Core i7 2670QM
  • RAM
    8GB DDR3
  • GPU
    Nvidia GeForce 560M GTX
  • Case
    Asus G53SX
  1. Dunno for sure, I'll check tonight but by the look of it no more than 13/14... Nice video, I knew levelcap was very interested in Star Citizen from his other videos but I wasn't sure he'd start making clips this early. I hope he'll keep them coming.
  2. Well, download is complete but as expected it's not remotely playable on my laptop... Guess I'll have to wait till the end of summer, I'll have changed my PC by then. Damn, it looks great, even in low...
  3. Holy crap, things are heating up around here. I agree that what we have after 3 years of development isn't much, but what you're forgetting is that it's easier to get started if you have all the money beforehand, as is the case with editor-produced games. Let's take SWTOR, for example, which development took ages as well. Released in 2011. "An October 2008 preview noted some of the 12 full-time writers had been working on The Old Republic for more than two years at that point." And they're just talking about voice acting, I imagine basic development comes earlier. (Which brings up another relevant point : when developers announce a game, it's usually already in development. I remember reading an article which explained that GTA V was being developed before GTA IV's release) So that takes us back to 2006, 5 years of development if not more and, as I said, the game was fully funded from the start, didn't have the ambition / scope of SC and was still very glitchy at release. I wasn't there to see SC's evolution from the start, but you can guess that game development didn't start with the Kickstarter campain. They had to define the game so they can "sell it" to backers, they had to make Star Citizen known, and they probably had to wait for a while to get started (once they had enough money to recruit, buy equipements, etc...) In SWTOR's case (or any other "usual" game), Lucas or EA just go to Bioware and say "Hey, we want you to make a Star Wars MMO, here's 200 millions, you have 5 years. Let's get started." (... Okay, it probably doesn't happen that way, but you get my point...). And as Rentaspoon said, most games are sequels that heavily rely on previous game mechanics (You can see that with Skyrim and Fallout 3, GTA V and IV, and they still took more or less 5 years of development. I won't even talk about CoD, FIFA, Assassin's Creed, BF and all the others "copy/past every year with some new features" games.), so it's not really fair to compare. Having said that, I have to agree with you when it comes to AC. The delay was tremendously long for what we get in the end (at least in quantity, I can't judge the quality yet it's still downloading), knowing they had more than enough money crews and equipements by that time. I try not to take that as a really bad sign for future deadlines or releases, but it's hard not to...
  4. I'll see that in about 4hours ( ) but seeing how my laptop overheats when I play Skyrim for more than 30min, I doubt it'll be fantastic... Oh well, I'm used to low FPS anyway. As long as it doesn't explode. My 360 controller is ready.
  5. It's ... a laptop x) I don't even pass minimum requirements ... Asus G53SX, Core i7 2670QM 2.2GHz, 4GB DDR3 (this is why...), GeForce 560M GTX. Hangar module runs with passable FPS in low (20/25).
  6. The sarcasm is strong in this one .... Normal download speed for me (500ko/s, not brilliant I know)... When you quit and re-launch, normally with an installer like this download should resume where you left but I haven't tried it yet.
  7. I'm downloading it, we'll see how it runs. I'll probably need to change my PC sooner or later, though... Edit : Damn, 10GB for a single location.... Let's hope the final release won't require 100GB+ x)
  8. That makes sense, but I hope that if they don't plan on making the Bengal available through other means (UEE Rep and missions for example), they'll add other Capital Ships (which is more than likely, anyway). I mean, the Bengal cannot be the only human-made capital ship of the entire Star Citizen universe... Feels kinda poor when you compare that to others sci-fi universes with dozens of different Destroyer-class (not sure if that's the correct term or if it's only used in Star Wars) ships. Maybe they can add older versions of it which would've been decommissioned by the UEE... Or on the opposite they could create an upgraded Bengal or an entirely new (and superior) Destroyer reserved to the UEE Navy, which would enable civilian use of the Bengal some time after release.
  9. Hell yeah I'm on it as well. Maybe one day CIG will lift the UEE's ban on Bengals, it seems weird to ban the human-made capital ships but still allow players to fly their Vanduul counterparts (Kingships) freely... Big fleets would look a lot more homogeneous with Bengals, when you've got Idris(es?), Hornets and all the others flying around... Maybe a reward for orgs and players with a good reputation in the UEE ? Wait and see.
  10. I hope so as well, but still very unlikely... Sorry to be that guy :rolleyes: I hope they'll make the MP available sooner for everyone if it's a big delay, though... It would suck to wait another month for the SP release and then wait even longer for MP...
  11. GODAMMIT, not again ! That's so frustrating. I hope it won't be another month or so, or CIG will have to deal with a lot of rage coming from the community... I understand thay want to release something that works, but they need to stop giving us release dates and make it sound like it's a sure thing, make it a surprise release and everyone will be happy. Well, thankfully Wolf Among Us Ep 4 was released, so this day is not a complete loss. RAHHHHH !
  12. Yeah, I respect that as well, and I can understand what's thrilling about it. (that's what's interesting about this game, you can do pretty much anything you'd be doing IRL in a universe like this) All I'm saying is that we should pick our targets carefully, if we don't want to make unnecessary enemies. Well, good luck on your infiltration(s)
  13. I hear you brother... But I'm in France, my operator is Free Mobile and I'm using a Samsung Galaxy SIII, so I wouldn't say our issues are the same. Mine constantly switches from H+ to 3G, H, and then H+ again and if I'm loading a page/video in the meantime, the connexion is lost and I need to refresh... Usually it happens when I'm holding the phone, setting it down on a table or something helps...
  14. Ajirax

    Why this exists

    I had a pretty good video that summed up most of what's exciting about Star Citizen... Unfortunately, it's in French :rolleyes: I'll try to find an equivalent in English. And yeah, this isn't the most secure forum ever, but since there aren't many sensitive informations yet, it's not that big of an issue...
  15. If we're counting handheld devices, that would be the GameBoy Pocket, with Batman as first game. Otherwise, first console in my family was a Sega Megadrive (or Genesis if you're American), with Sonic the Hedgehog. First console that I owned was a GameCube and I can't remember if I got Rogue Squadron or Smash Bros Melee first... Good old times