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  1. I'm on windows 10 and yes newest updates, I'm using the balanced from windows, just wasn't sure if it's normal to see it spike to really high percent everytime you open something.
  2. Just built a new PC Ryzen 5 2600, Stock cooler, stock settings for cpu, idle temps 40-50, max I've seen it hit while gaming 65. But I'm wondering why my EDC goes to 70-95% when I just open a browser, document anything really, says 70-95% of 90 A, Limit is 168 A, is that normal?
  3. Looking for recommendation for an Air Cooler so i can mildly overclock this cpu.
  4. Already have everything just need to decide between those 2 options as upgrading to new platform isn't an option unfortunately.
  5. Wondering if I should get a i5 7600k or i7 7700k. Price difference is $270 vs $450+. Will it be much of a difference in Gaming with the RTX 2060.
  6. Vessel Username - MoSLegend Video 1 - https://www.vessel.com/videos/LCoY5zfFf Video 2 - https://www.vessel.com/videos/JYZEYDYx0
  7. I found LTT, while looking for building guides on gaming pc building.. ever since then, I have been hooked! Keep up the great work guys. You guys deserve the gold youtube swag!!
  8. I like the style of it, looks sleek, also like the signatures as well!!
  9. My favorite thing about this phone from your video is the style and look, also I like the 5.5 inch screen!
  10. I love the front speakers! No cup method is awesome! LOL