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    Flak You


  • CPU
    Intel Core i7-4770K
  • Motherboard
    MSI Z87 MPower Max
  • RAM
    16GB Crucial Ballistix Tactical Tracer (1600MHz CL9)
  • GPU
    EVGA GTX 770 Dual SC w/ ACX Cooler SLI
  • Case
    NXZT H440
  • Storage
    120GB Kingston HyperX 3K SSD, 2TB Seagate Barracuda
  • PSU
    EVGA Supernova P2 1000W
  • Display(s)
    BenQ XL2430T, BenQ RL2455HM
  • Cooling
    Cryorig R1 Ultimate w/ XT140 front Fan, Phanteks PH-140SP Case Fans
  • Keyboard
    Razer Blackwidow Ultimate 2013
  • Mouse
    Razer Deathadder 2013 w/ Goliathus Control Pad
  • Sound
    Razer Megalodon Headset, Sennheiser HD438 Headphones (Mood depending)
  • Operating System
    Windows 7

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  1. That implies that all people do is read text. See Also: Web Apps Maybe 15 years ago using JS would having been lowering security barriers, but any browser worth a damn has patched out the security vulnerabilities that made things like NoScript popular back in the day. If you're really that paranoid about malicious JS, the problem is probably your browsing habits, not JS.
  2. Yes and no. Foreign keys was the word I was looking for correct, you use foreign keys to normalise a database Normal Forms are still important to know when you're working with databases, and it's a subject lengthier than I'm prepared to type for a question that wasn't worded very well from the start
  3. Runs software worth hundreds of dollars on a potato, typical school logic there OP since you're just learning - Basically any modern-ish PC should be fine to run whatever IDE you decide to use. Whether or not you can take advantage of that i7 is going to come down to how you implement your code, but multi-threading isn't something I would think you'd be doing anytime soon. I'd roll with the i5 unless you need the i7 for something else
  4. There basically has to be, Ryzen probably isn't going to cover the 4+ years of R&D from custom pcs alone - Mobile, Server and Pre-builds will need to adopt it as well for it to actually put a dent in Intels market share
  5. You will probably need two tables. One which contains the group, one which contains the users Here's an example Schema (If you don't know what that word means, I encourage you to do some research, and this will make more sense) GROUPS Group_Name Group_ID Group_Rights etc. USERS Username Password First Name Surname Group_ID* etc. etc. Ah, group ID appears twice, theres a good reason for that. Basically you want to avoid repeating information in the same column. Where that's likely to happen, you can split the tables so that there is an overlap between them, this is tricky to explain in a short post, but do some research on Database Normalization and it's various levels. A proper explanation of this is like, several pages long - but I hope that's a good starting point for you
  6. Android phones... I think I just remembered why I took a break from posting on here Personally, I don't think C++ is the language to learn straight up, it's a language that's really easy to do things you probably shouldn't, it might compile, but that doesn't make it correct. And if you're going to do down that path (Not using standard libraries) you might as well be coding in C. Which isn't a bad idea, if you can code in C, then you can understand what every other language is doing "under the hood". Ultimately concepts are more important than language specifics, otherwise it comes down to choosing the right tools for the job. Most modern software development comes down to using pre-built tools anyway. For example, one would almost never go to the effort of building a Content Management System Website from scratch when they could just use WordPress.
  7. Apologies, I didn't mean to de-rail your thread. However I find the disconnect between gamers/script-kiddies and industry to be infuriating, particularly considering the number of devs I know (And I mean actual devs, who make money from this stuff) and following that career path myself. Teh internetz attitude is alas, agnostic of topic, you should see some of the stuff people come up with in car discussions. Since I had to double check that survey to pull figures anyway, turns out the most popular one mentioned was Ubuntu. So, there's that. I'm still partial to Debian, but again, that's probably because my VPS runs it. I should point out that the only way I've used Debian and CentOS is via SSH on command line from my Windows desktop, so I can't really talk about the "desktop" experience
  8. I hate how verbose Java is, that's one of my biggest gripes with it. I still use Eclipse for writing Java, but with a cool theme which makes it look like Sublime Text. Eclipse's C/C++ package... Not a fan, so I've also got Visual Studio 2015 Community, Atom, and Vim that I all use for different things
  9. And developers are happier for it, if a recent survey from Stack Overflow is anything to go by
  10. This is really important. My language of choice right now is C, but everything is completely different. It's all manual memory control, but you learn so much of what happens behind the scenes in other languages. Like Strings for example
  11. I thought about writing "pretty much anything", but that seemed kind of vague. I guess that's the brilliance of Linux in the first place, so I might as well just list that instead Admittedly I Googled that one and just looked at the top result. I've never done OSX dev, I'll swap C++ for Ruby Again, early in the morning here in Aus, can't sleep so decided to do this. I know it probably needs a few touch-ups still. I'll mention SQL under web given it's pretty much essential, however I think RDBMS is probably another subject entirely in itself I actually know quite a bit about web dev. I was simplifying. Yes, you could use Ruby on Rails, Django/Python, Java/JSP, Node.JS, hell, I've even seen C++ frameworks for Web. Web is probably a tricky one to mention, given that the frameworks and libraries that people use change like fashion trends, I know this given I have several friends/family who work within the industry. Hell you can do a one-page, pure-JS site if you wanted to, which looks to be gaining quite a bit of popularity right now (Write-up on Github). I've seen plenty of the "PHP is the worst" threads before. That said, looking at Acunetix and W3Techs, they list PHP powering 82.2% and 69.27% of the sites surveyed. A couple of quick searches on the popular job-seeker sites here in Aus, and guess which language appears to be the most requested from back-end developers? Hence, for the sake of simplicity, I opted to list PHP as the language new-commers to web dev should learn
  12. I'm pretty sure I started out with LUA waaaaay back for a Dawn of War project I worked on back in high-school. By the time I go to uni, I'd forgotten pretty much everything I did
  13. I did mention that, though, I may update it and elaborate a little bit more. I figured doing a write-up was going to be a better approach to the almost-daily thread posts asking the same thing. Do you think it's also worth mentioning UML stuff in here as well? Thanks, I might just bin that bit. Databases might be something that should be covered in a seperate guide
  14. Flash - security issues, no iOS compatibility, I'm pretty sure the latter flat-out killed it already Most of what people were doing with Flash was implemented natively in HTML5, not that big of a deal