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  1. Hmm...sounds like I could handle those type of hackers. Might consider getting the game now but won't get it right away though, sale will last for more than a week anyway.. Thanks Guys!
  2. was wondering if GTA V is worth it to get on PC right now mainly for GTA Online. I used to play it on my PS3 and I wanted to transfer my Online progress on PC but reading some reviews on steam kinda gives me a doubt whether I should get it or not because of all the hacks/cheat peope claim the online mode has right now. How bad is the hack/cheat Online? is it really that bad or is it tolerable?
  3. Hey guys, For some reason I can't get access on my google email account. Its been at least 2 months since i last used it since i was using a different account but I just recently need to use it again but now it keeps asking for a verification process. I still remember my login details but it kept asking for a verification (saying that there is something unusual on how i log in) . It gives me 2 options, first is that it will send an SMS text of the verification code to me and the other one is via phone call. Now the thing is, the phone number listed is not mine (don't even remember placing my number on this account). I tried filling up the Account Recovery Form but its no help to me since I cannot really answer most of the questions in that form as I only use the account mainly for making account on sites requiring a membership such as LTT. Plus, i never had this problem until now so Im not sure how to get my access back. Any help would be appreciated!
  4. I actually experienced the same thing yesterday. Was planning to do a clean install of Windows 10 since I just did an upgrade from 8.1 and been having some problems with the OS stability. I remembered that there is a reset feature on Windows 10 so I thought I'd give it a try. All it did was put me on loop on that BSOD with "Inaccessible Boot Device" error and rendered my laptop useless. Had to reinstall 8.1 and start downloading Windows 10 via Media Creation Tool and do a clean install. I was worried the installation would not activate my Windows 10 since I never got a hold of the Win 10 key but everything went flawless and MS activated my OS after the setup.
  5. Hmm.. actually am having the same issues the guy is complaining about at that post.. I just noticed it yesterday when I tried to change a setting for my game since it forces to run on Intel GPU.. <_<
  6. Shadow of Mordor for me. next would probably be Far Cry 4..
  7. My apologies for leaving this thread inactive for a while. (went to a place with no internet access). Anyways, problem is fixed. Simple solution is to disable Anti-Virus. I believe my friend was using Avira Anti-Virus and it was blocking the autorun feature of the Hard drive that is why it won't show up in Windows Explorer. Don't know why it did that since I've lent him the same drive months ago and used it on the same PC. Thanks for trying to help though, really appreciate it!
  8. Well I do not have the drive on my hands right now and I just used it right before I gave it to my friend. Could it be its a problem with the Computer he used it on?
  9. I lent a friend my External Hard drive and he said he is having problems using it. It gets detected by the computer (shows up in Disk Management & Device Manager) But not on My Computer (Explorer) so he can't access the drive. In Disk Management it seems like it doesn't have a Proper Drive Letter but it won't let me set a drive letter for it as it shows an error that tells me to refresh the list or try to restart the PC. I did both suggestions but it still shows the same error. Do you guys know any fix for this? by the way, the External hard drive is a Western Digital My Passport 1TB and his OS is Windows 7 64-bit. Thanks!
  10. Had the update last night as well but windows failed to install the update so it restored itself. Was stuck on the Welcome screen for a long time :mellow:
  11. Too lazy to take proper showcase of my cars soo... Gold Painted Sabre Turbo: White Zentorno and Elegy RH8 (My Zentorno is now Matte Black + Red Accents, Elegy is now all white with white hood): Also have a matte black Voltic, a Blue Shwartzer for Drifting and an Orange Phoenix.
  12. Anyone knows how long the Beta will run? I just got confirmation that I got in and just wondering how long I can play it...
  13. Its been a while since I played BF4. When the update got released, I tried playing a few rounds. I feel the netcode problems have reduced but its still there (my bullets won't register most of the time, even at 40ms ping). Ever since BF3 got OTH i've been playing it and I just wish BF4 gets as responsive as BF3 is. If they were able to do that then I might consider going back to BF4.
  14. I got stuck in the game once. The game won't open a door for me to get past the area so I can't progress. Other people are having this problem as well, most suggested to restart the game but it doesn't work. I fixed mine by reloading an earlier save file.
  15. Well, it seems like there is a problem with the copying of files in the USB. He has installed the OS now using rufus. @Goodmane, thanks for the help/suggestions. I was also looking at the manual but its crap and yeah I told him to not use USB 3.0 as it may cause issues. All fixed now!