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FakeGamerGuy's Achievements

  1. Top 800. That was a lot faster than I thought it would be. Figured by now it would start getting orders of magnitude harder to get to the next n-hundred.
  2. Broke into the top 900. Not sure how much higher I'm going to be able to climb given my limited resources but we'll see~
  3. Not sure I would trust any parts that cheap around my computer lol especially not any 3D printed parts. For reference I had an EK Supremacy block, but I did use a submersible pond pump. Make sure you get one with adequate head pressure.
  4. I ran PT Nuke in my fish tank res and it worked fine. My biggest issue I ran into was lower cooling efficiency (see: hot-ass room due to the AC being broken) in the summer, and a huge amount of dust getting in the loop after I added some glass rocks to the tank for aesthetics. It would have been just fine if I had considered even just rinsing the glass before adding it to my tank. I think there's a video near the end of the thread linked above. Edit: Having scrolled up through the thread a bit, I would like to add that a majority of my cooling performance came from the water being exposed to moving air (it was next to a window that I usually kept open) and from evaporation of the water. You will get natural evaporation over time, even of the water isn't "warm". I usually refilled with distilled water to keep everything clean and free of minerals. There will be some amount of radiation through the glass, but it won't be much, especially if the delta between the water temperature and the air temperature isn't that high. What's described in the posts above is more of a thermal capacitor. It will absorb the heat and keep the CPU cool but it won't do much to dissipate that heat into the air.
  5. I ran PT Nuke in my fish tank res and it worked fine. My biggest issue I ran into was lower cooling efficiency (see: hot-ass room due to the AC being broken) in the summer, and a huge amount of dust getting in the loop after I added some glass rocks to the tank for aesthetics. It would have been just fine if I had considered even just rinsing the glass before adding it to my tank. I think there's a video near the end of the thread linked above.
  6. Top 1,000 on team LTT! https://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/user_summary.php?s=&u=812405
  7. I had been sitting around 450-460, then shot up to 360, then 311. Feeling antsy to see if I broke into the 200s. Edit: Can you tell where the first F@H event was and where this one was?
  8. Holy crap, now that there are work units I managed to jump ONE HUNDRED PLACES in the last 24 hours lol
  9. Back into the top 500, but unfortunately I have to take most of my farm offline since we have to do work on our work machines. lol This weekend I should be able to get them all back online.
  10. Holy crap, went from ~1400th place to 418 with a >1m point gain. CPU and GPU both have load right now. Thank the folding gods.
  11. I feel like this trend is going to continue the more and more folders join the fight lol
  12. Aw shucks, dropped below 2 million per day I'll blame that on having to do actual work on the work machines I have running F@H.
  13. Same, but since they're already having a hard time keeping up with the amount of systems ready to work, it's probably for the best so otherwise-idle time gets used for good.