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About NeoZeon

  • Birthday Mar 17, 1990

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  • Biography
    physics ---> mathematics ---> earth science ---> data science
  • Occupation
    Data Scientist
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  1. this: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1442339-REG/benq_pd3220u_31_5_4_side_edge_to_edge.html/?ap=y&ap=y&smp=y&smp=y&lsft=BI%3A514&gclid=Cj0KCQjwoPL2BRDxARIsAEMm9y-3Yk7dr7aBfLX9RxHVHBatom6P2jv_EE-1B4dugBCIufw6MN8xWDsaAnH2EALw_wcB looks like the perfect display for me - but it only has 85W power delivery. When will see see displays come out with 100W power delivery ?
  2. Hi - I currently have a monitor that I connect to my computer via TB2. It has a few usb ports which i stuff to as well. I'm going to be upgrading to a new macbook soon, which doesn't have a TB2 port. Will using a TB2 to TB3 adapter still let me use my monitor normally ?
  3. It's a fairly established way of using arrow keys. I don't really use them that much - even when i used to game a lot i didn't use them.
  4. if I press fn + [, ;,' or / thats a proxy for up, right, left or down. There are 3 programmable layers. This keyboard is even RGB - thought I dont really everu se backlights.
  5. I'm done with keyboards. This is for home, HHKB for work. maybe I'll get a couple of macropads... but otherwise i'm done.
  6. Guys... im super excited to get my Rama.Works M60 A soon... (and the massdrop keypad... but who knows when that is coming)
  7. Hey guys... just bought the new Rama m60-a (and his keypad on mass drop). I also picked up some switches.... now I need advice on a keycap set to get. I'm very partial to the profile of my HHKB - so one close to that is good... anyone have any advice. I have time to wait... as I it will be at least a few months before I get teh boards.
  8. You don't find a lot of people who build their own computational tools primarily use windows in my experience. There is this myth that people who use macOSX are less "techy/knowledgeable", but in all my years (PhD program, think tanks, tech companies) i've always seen more apple and linux computers than windows.
  9. you probably need to type: export CLICOLOR=1 in your .bash_profile as well.. or else the theme won't show up in terminal (my experience)
  10. The real problem is that AMD GPUs are not optimized for modern open source scientific computing. The most popular libraries, TensorFlow and Theano take advantage of cuda and AMD has no real response. That being said, I use a Macbook Pro and eGPU for prototyping, and it works really well.
  11. Gotcha. The one thing about buying from a brand like Shure is they have been around a while and they will be around for a while longer. They have reason to backup their products if they break. I haven't heard the 425s, I have 215s as backups and they are comfortable. If the same cable is on the 215s as the 425s (i think it is), i'd say my only complaint is they are abit too beefy. If I were looking for new IEMs, and they were universal IEMS, I'd look at campfire audio because they are badass or I'd look at getting wireless ones for on the go.
  12. Don't buy cables for headphones to improve sound. They don't.
  13. And this may sound a bit vapid, but its easier to be a rockstar in data science right now. There are a lot of people who want data scientists jobs, but very people who are qualified at all. The best people have backgrounds in math and computer science, but many people come from Business Intelligence which unless they keep studying will limit the scale and accuracy of their work.
  14. More types of problems, higher pay, easier to publish in.