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  1. Hey everyone. Thanks for all your replies. I ended up implementing quite a few of the suggestions. Managed to get an old dell with a i5 8500, 16GB Ram, 256GB Nvme, and a 1TB Hdd for £120 which I think was a decent price. It's been rock solid for me and my friends game servers and going to set up jellyfin next. Been really enjoying tinkering with is, experimenting with unraid might switch when my free trial ends. Thanks again.
  2. Greetings LTT forum, it's been a while. I've recently gotten back into PC gaming and would like a new home server for file storage/ running some game servers (Minecraft) and perhaps a something along the lines of plex. I'm sure this is a common request so perhaps if you have no specific recommendations you can point me towards some useful recourses. My hardware knowledge is very out of date and so to sanity check currently I'm probably going to purchase a cheap second hand pc to use. There's a cheap desktop I've found on marketplace for £90 with a Ryzen 5 2400G which I'm assuming would be fine for my needs? Add a little more ram, a few hard drives bish bash bosh server done? Cheers for reading.
  3. I know there is an official displate store, however this collection is labeled LTT but with no official logos... so i'm guessing this is not illegal even if he has not asked permission? Seems kinda strange to me... https://displate.com/marcosramirezx/ltt
  4. I remember being really exited to see this when Linus started talking to him on twitter, not sure who I saw first Linus or TB, both legends
  5. Watched the previous two, LTT livestreams. Anyone have links to the unlisted videos? I think I missed the 1st one
  6. Would recommend adding the Wileyfox Swift 2 X: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01MU7VZ1R/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Amazing value, London based company. Unfortunately only available in UK/ Some parts of EU. Bought last night, been on afew flash sales for £150
  7. honestly I was thinking around £250
  8. also to note, room size is about 8ft by 8ft
  9. Any tips on a cheap 2.1 setup, mostly going to be used for home watching movies/ music. I've seen what look like good deals on speakers on Ebay, any worrys about buying second had speakers from the 2000s? i.e: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/222389680402?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT advice on low end amps, and subs also appreciated.
  10. What happened to the front page beta that was going to curate forum topics/ be a LTT centre? I remember it being talked about on the wan show, still being developed or on the canceled?
  11. @colonel_mortis it's me again I have access to FPC again, however have been charged on the 3rd, and was charged again today.
  12. or at least it's been taken from my account