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  1. Anyone know how to delete your profile?

    1. Vitalius


      Message a mod.

    2. Slaeowulf


      Have done several times. Still no response.

  2. You're overthinking this. Literally nobody cares if you do, and if they do (not to put too fine a point on it) but they can sod right off.
  3. Yep, the new innterface is much more optimised
  4. Yes, everyone knows that. I never said anything about them being equal, though, did I? I don't know where this guy/girl is based and those are the prices I'd market that system at in the UK and USA respectively, as you always list above your reserve. Fairly basic concept, really -.-
  5. Plan your runs, make them short.
  6. They beat me to it!! Audacity is the way to go
  7. Christopher Eccleston by far. I was so disappointed that he only wanted to do one series. He was EXACTLY how I imagined the Doctor.
  8. Can report it for breaking CoC, though. Seriously, kids do come on this forum too. I've reported it but no mod has checked it out yet. Maybe needs a few more?
  9. Already did. It was the other guy that started the flame war.
  10. Agreed, you're just going to have to re-install Windows from scratch.
  11. Whichever Noctua is in your budget, IMO. Check your out your local supplier. They are easy to install and work like a charm. Pair them with some Noctua fans and you're in business
  12. And yet you felt the need to comment, trying to start an argument after the discussion ended ages ago. I did stop commenting, I suggest you do the same.
  13. Got a tonne of likes from the religion thread, but a few butthurt people decided to come and bitchslap my 5-star rating. Meh, they're thinking about ditching it anyway because people do that :D

    1.   Show previous replies  5 more
    2. Hyydrah


      +5 stars, hope that helps.

    3. Slaeowulf


      You're too kind lol.

      I wasn't complaining about it (lookatalltheshitsIgive.jgp) but more commenting on some of the immaturity of some of the people in here (very often the religious people getting offended at everything XD).

      It would just be rude not to return the 5*'s though, eh? :)

    4. Slaeowulf


      Especially when I did enjoy a fair few of your posts in that topic :D
