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I have a Kingston 128GB usb stick that I've been using for over a year.

But now I have an issue with it.

About 4 days ago I noticed that i can't save a file on it. I tried to create an other but I couldn't because it was write protected. When i checked, every file and folder was write protected (which i didn't do). I saved all the data off of it and tried to format the drive. I couldn't. So i looked up a way to disable the drives write protection using command promt. It worked and I was able to format the drive. I copied back my files and all was great. I could delete, save and create files. But when i checked it the next day everything was the same. Since the drive protection dissappeared but when i remove the drive (after formatting and copying back the files) and plug it back i can't save the files again. The backup files (the ones I copy to the formatted drive) on a different drive work perfectly.

Can anybody help me solve this problem?

Thank you for your time!

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nand flash drives like SSDs with dieing cells lock to give users a chance to recover files. at-least that's what a good device will do. a bad one will just let the files be corrupted then get slower until it finally refuses to connect. in some cases it's just the controller chip that fails and you can bring it back to life for 10 minutes by sticking it in the fridge or replacing it if you have the soldering skills+another working version of the same drive you don't care about .

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