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120 GB SSD, 57.4 GB on it and only 46.6 GB free?


Hey Guys,

On my 120 GB samsung SSD is 57.4 GB of Data (with hidden folders) and it only has 46.6 GB of free space on it.

Obviously 111GB - 57.4 is 53.6 and not 46.6 GB.

So where are my missing 7 GB?

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There's a great application called Folder Size that tells you everything about how big folders are (including hidden ones) on your various drives!

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I don't really like this sarcastic tone in your text.

What I wanted to tell of course is that this GREAT APPLICATION already told me that the size of all folders to gather is 57.4 GB.

But in the explorer is shown that there is only 46.6 gb free so the size of the folders should be 64.4 GB.

Maybe you can understand what I mean now?

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I think it's your hibernation file

The hibernation file is 75 % the size of your ram if you still have it enabled. (which is hidden directly in the root of your boot drive)

For example with 8gb ram my hibernation file was 6,74 gb i think.

You can disable it if you want (if your not using it) by just running an elevated cmd prompt and typing powercfg -h off ,and after a reboot the hibernation file is gone, to enable it again it's just a matter of typing powercfg -h on in cmd prompt and rebooting again.

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Seems like this is it, my ram is 8GB and there are like 6.74 missing so that should be it. Thanks :D

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There are a couple of things it could be; hyberfil (hybernation file) OR your page file.

Often, Windows will set your page file on your SSD to be the same as your RAM total.

Follow my steps:

1. Click Start

2. Right-click Computer

3. Choose Properties

4. Choose Advanced system settings from the left pane

5. In the Advanced tab, choose Settings under Performance

6. In Performance Options, click the Advanced tab

7. Under Virtual Memory is the page file

8. If it says more than 1GB, I would click Change - you will not need more than 1GB for gaming, for example

9. Untick Automatically manage...

10. Choose Custom Size and set it to 1024 initial and minimum

11. Click OK/Apply through the boxes

That should alleviate some of the use of your SSD, if it wasn't the hyberfil as mentioned by Flamewalker.

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Probably hibernation file. Some of it may also be allocated as a page file, unless you have it disabled. That can take upwards of a few hundred megs of space

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