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Hi everyone i am recently building my first rig and was wondering if i can improve (upgrade) any of the parts or the whole thing lol.

please no sarcky comments :) .

Amd 990fx

asus sabertooth 990fx

asus 660ti

corsair 80i cooler

corsair 850w psu

wd 1tb harddrive

corsair 120gb ssd

corsair c70 case

thanks to anyone that takes the time to reply thnx

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Didn't see how much ram you intend to toss in....

Just curious, is there a particular reason you are putting in such a beefy psu? Planning on adding more hardware in the future?

If that's not the case, I might recommend a lower wattage psu and to put the money towards another component. Maybe towards a better SSD? You didn't mention the actual model of SSD, but I don't remember any Corsair models being in the top 4-5 performance spots when it comes to SSDs. Of course I could be completely wrong on that and I'm sure someone will correct me if I am. That being said, the extra could push you toward a 840 Pro or Vector. Just a thought of course.

You could also go ahead and upgrade the fan(s) on the 80i or just in the case in general. Better airflow is always a plus. I know the c70 is great already, but a couple Noctuas on the rad would improve performance by a fair margin.

I'll kind of end off here since I could continue to suggest tons of places to upgrade. You have a good system plan there, but you didn't exactly give what kind of excess money you might have for upgrades or what your preferences are. Either way, it's a solid foundation that can be taken in several directions when you eventually get around to upgrading parts.

Good luck on your build.

Edit: Not to nitpick but you might get more responses/help if you posted this over in the New Builds and Planning section. Just a suggestion.

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PowerKeeper is right, you should make another thread in that category.

I just wanted to say that me too, I think a SSD is a MUST in your build. At least 120-128gb. Maybe something of the likes of a Samsung 840 Pro.

As for fan upgrades, you should look at the Noctua's. I know Linus loves them. They're not stylish, but they perform as hell! :D

Lastly, for the PSU, why not try those fanless PSU? : http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151088

​Could be an interesting upgrade?

Good luck with the build!

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Didn't see how much ram you intend to toss in....

Just curious, is there a particular reason you are putting in such a beefy psu? Planning on adding more hardware in the future?

If that's not the case, I might recommend a lower wattage psu and to put the money towards another component. Maybe towards a better SSD? You didn't mention the actual model of SSD, but I don't remember any Corsair models being in the top 4-5 performance spots when it comes to SSDs. Of course I could be completely wrong on that and I'm sure someone will correct me if I am. That being said, the extra could push you toward a 840 Pro or Vector. Just a thought of course.

You could also go ahead and upgrade the fan(s) on the 80i or just in the case in general. Better airflow is always a plus. I know the c70 is great already, but a couple Noctuas on the rad would improve performance by a fair margin.

I'll kind of end off here since I could continue to suggest tons of places to upgrade. You have a good system plan there, but you didn't exactly give what kind of excess money you might have for upgrades or what your preferences are. Either way, it's a solid foundation that can be taken in several directions when you eventually get around to upgrading parts.

Good luck on your build.

Edit: Not to nitpick but you might get more responses/help if you posted this over in the New Builds and Planning section. Just a suggestion.

hey powerkeeper thanks for the suggestions , i am actually planning on putting in another 660ti and the ram is 8gb 1600mhx corsair vengeance ram :).

the ssd im not really sure about a ssd yet probs a vector coz iv heard good things about tht so am very interested.

but thanks again for your suggestions and quick response i appreciate it :).

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