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Does anyone else play game randomizers?  A couple of friends and I started playing collaborative/coop randomizer runs w/ a few different games asynchronously and although it was a headache to get up and running, we've been enjoying ourselves so far.  I made the terrible (best) mistake of running Stardew Valley for my first game, so I've way too many checks and will sometimes dig up earthworms or fish up treasure chests finding powerups, upgrades, weapons, etc for my friends in Terraria/Minecraft/Factorio respectively.

Right now in our second group (to include a different friend) I'm playing Link to the Past, and have no idea why 2 of my crystals are red, and I've gone for almost half the game without boots or hammer D:

Honestly it's been a fun experience, being able to play whenever and help each other progress or send each other gifts has been great (especially since some of us are 3 time zones apart because Canada HUGE)

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27 minutes ago, cozyCanadian said:

Does anyone else play game randomizers?

Depends on how far do you wanna define randomness. I currently competitively play in Hitman Roulette, a community game mode where you have to kill the story target in the Hitman reboot trilogy with randomly chosen weapon, and disguises. Its quite a tightly knit and optimized community, and its really damn fun.

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Dang, I never heard of those before, but that checks out. I legit didn't know people have competi- Wait no that's a lie, I forgot about people that play ALTTP rando runs against each other.

Still, that's pretty cool. I never played any of the Hitman games, that's cool that there's a solid community around it 😄

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