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Portal 2 crashing with RTX Remix


I've recently discovered RTX Remix and i thought i could maybe bring my wish of portal 2 RTX to life, turns out portal 2 crashes with an split second of an error [couldn't read it since it goes away that quick] as soon as i load a level.

I've already made sure it runs in DirectX 9.0, but it's still not running...

Maybe i missed out on something important or i'm just stupid and don't know portal 2 has something that's incompatible since i'm still REALLY new to RTX Remix, i used it for the first time today but looked at some compatibility lists, where i didn't find anything, so please don't judge me if this question is stupid :). 

I am NOT a professional and I write before I think, so REFRESH THE PAGE!!!  Theres a 99% chance I've edited my post.


Also: Please enable XMP/D.O.H.C before asking why your ram is too slow.

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Portal 2 uses DirectX 9.0c which allows the developer to use a different rendering pipeline. So if it uses one of the "new" rendering pipelines, which I would imagine most of them do as that's one of the big features of 9.0c, it's not currently supported in RTX Remix. Remix has added more pipelines later like Shader Model 2.0 (DX9c supports 3.0 as well) which made some DX9c games work. So it might get support later. 


EDIT: From the Nvidia Gameworks github: 


Graphics API version

DirectX 8 and DirectX 9.0 will probably be fixed function, and thus feasible. DirectX 9.0c games are usually mostly shader based, so probably won't work.

EDIT 2: Compatibility list: https://www.moddb.com/rtx

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