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Ok, so I downloaded FXSound a week ago, and oh my goodness, it makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE in videos. There is just, one caviat. (also haven't done a review in a while)

SO much. The beat in songs and vocals just sound so much better from before and after. It's mindblowing that this happens in REAL TIME. Its not like a full remaster of the audio, but it's like enhanced. A remaster is like concert level. All live instruments and vocals. But an enhancement is like what a YouTuber can do with a little bit of Audition. It just sounds, better. I don't know how to explain it. You need to try it for yourself. Yes, I know it's only EQ and not the full HQ that music-critics LOVE, (me too as well lol) but even EQ is ok. At least it's not LQ. But, with all of this goodness, there is one thing that bugs me so much.


Why can you not record the audio and have it on a file??? It's so annoying because I like enhancing things, like color correction with videos. I wanted to start getting into the audio stuff with this app, but I can't record the enhanced audio! It's such a bummer. Yeah, I know you can just record with your phone, but then again I have a bad cough right now, so things will be harder. Also, my speakers aren't the best speakers there are, but their okay for me.


Of course there will be some nit-picks here and there, but overall, this app is just wonderful. If you wanna try it, click this link to download it. It's 100% free now.https://www.fxsound.com/聽No, I did not get sponsored. (i wish)

FXSound Rating: 9/10. I just need a recorder. Then it's a 10/10.

Edited by ebprince the computer nerd

how are you doing today

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