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Help needed with wifi connectivity problems.

So, this is a pretty new problem to me, and a pretty stubborn one. There's no possible correlation that I can think of, so, i don't know why this is happening, nothing was changed. The problem is that whenever I start a game, let's say Fortnite, after about 5 minutes, the wifi shuts off. Also, it does not matter if the game is offline or online, it shuts off after about 5-10 minutes of gameplay. This is happening with all of my games, and for a while my editing software as well. When I try to reconnect to my wifi, it shows "Can't connect to network". Then I try to restart the adapter(not a usb one, internal laptop adapter) from control panel, but when I disabled it, it refuses to re-enable. A quick refresh shows that this is because the adapter is gone from the page. Now, I have scoured the corners of the internet, looking for solutions, and if people have had the same problem as me, some have. Not exactly similar, but kind of. I have tried probably everything, and it still refuses to fix. Also my laptop is connected to AC power(don't know if that's relevant). Anyways, here's what all I have tried - 


1. Network reset

2. Unchecking "Allow the computer to switch off this device to save power"

3. Update the driver to it's latest version, then DOWNGRADE it, neither versions work.

4. Flashing the BIOS to 1 older version. 

5. Windows 10 reset.

6. Trying both 2 GHz and 5 GHz wifi channels.

7. Turned off all the "Wake on magic packet" type settings off.

8. Doing a very selective tracert method I saw here - https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/computer-disconnects-from-wifi-while-gaming.3445266/ - to no avail. I also tried a continous pinging test to my router, my isp's ip and google.com. When the wifi inevitably switched off, it just shows "Failed to connect - General Error".

9. I have read somewhere that overheating could cause this, but I made sure that internal temps were around 70 when gaming, and 70 throughout.

10. I have also read somewhere (quora) that ram could somehow be the culprit, but i have not changed my ram, it's still stock.

11. I have also tried latest windows update, reversing windows update, nothing seems to work.

12. Tried winsock reset, ip reset, and set my ip from dynamic to static. Obviously restarted where restarting was needed.

13. Deleted my antivirus, switched off all windows protection while gaming(even defender firewall) and it still turns off. Tried it with everything on as well.


This is most of the stuff I have tried, there might be some I'm forgetting. This has been going on for about 10 days, and I'm kind of frustrated that I still can't figure out what the problem is. In the meantime, I'm using a lan cable, but it's kind of impractical, so I would like to go back to wifi as soon as i can.


Some last information - my laptop is a stock Asus tuf a15 (FA506II) laptop, and no upgrades have been done on it, pretty new as well.


If anyone can help me, it will be really appreciated. Thanks in advanced!



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2 minutes ago, PawsGhost said:

Flashing the BIOS to 1 older version. 

This is because only one older version was available in asus's website.


Oh and also, when i say windows reset, I opted to keep my files, but deleted all apps and reverted all settings.

Edited by PawsGhost
adding something
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This is probably what used to happen to me a while back. 

I used an Asus X205TA for my Zoom sessions(used this low power one because my main laptop didnt work). And literally out of nowhere the whole router used to die somehow, and restarted. And everyone using the wifi got disconnected. It was very frustrating for me and others on the network. Still havent figured out why that happened.

But, the laptop, at that time, ran Windows 8.1. I just upgraded it to 10 a couple weeks back and the problem doesnt seem to occur anymore. That laptop isnt my daily driver so cant really comment if the problem is resolved. 

I know this isnt helpful, because you already run Windows 10, but what I can suggest is updating your wifi adapter's driver. Try if that helps.

On 4/5/2024 at 10:13 PM, LAwLz said:

I am getting pretty fucking sick and tired of the "watch something else" responses. It's such a cop out answer because you could say that about basically anything, and it doesn't address the actual complaints. People use it as some kind of card they pull when they can't actually respond to the criticism raised but they still feel like they need to defend some company/person. If you don't like this thread then stop reading it. See how stupid it is? It's basically like telling someone "shut the fuck up". It's not a clever responsive, it doesn't address anything said, and it is rude. 



bruh switch to dark mode its at the bottom of this page

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7 minutes ago, LTTfan2006 said:

This is probably what used to happen to me a while back. 

I used an Asus X205TA for my Zoom sessions(used this low power one because my main laptop didnt work). And literally out of nowhere the whole router used to die somehow, and restarted. And everyone using the wifi got disconnected. It was very frustrating for me and others on the network. Still havent figured out why that happened.

But, the laptop, at that time, ran Windows 8.1. I just upgraded it to 10 a couple weeks back and the problem doesnt seem to occur anymore. That laptop isnt my daily driver so cant really comment if the problem is resolved. 

I know this isnt helpful, because you already run Windows 10, but what I can suggest is updating your wifi adapter's driver. Try if that helps.

Thank you for answering! Unfortunately, I have already tried that, to no avail.

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