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Everything posted by Jayfeather787

  1. That lights up. I meant the LEDs that light up that show that there is a problem. Those do not light up. That shows that everything is apparently working, but it is not.
  2. There are no lights. It is really odd. I think the motherboard needs a bios update, but there's no way to do that except by buying a non-refresh haswell and using that to update it.
  3. I read that. He did everything there.
  4. Hello community! My friend just put together a new PC. This was a bundle from Newegg that he picked up for about 360 dollars. Here is the PC Part Picker link: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/njrZD3My friend put it all together, but it does not seem to post. When he pushes the power button, all the fans start spinning, and the monitor has an Asus splash screen for a brief second before just going black. He cannot get into the BIOS or the boot menu. There are no LEDS on the motherboard that show up. The motherboard was installed correctly on the standoffs, and every connector from the power supply is connected. When he presses the memok button and the directkey button on the motherboard, we get the same results. There are no beeps when the power button is pressed. What could be the problem? Is this Z87 motherboard not compatible with the new G3258? I thought they would have updated the BIOS to support it. If that is the problem, how could he update the BIOS manually? What other problems could there be? If anyone wants more information let me know. Thanks everyone!
  5. Even one 290x can perform as well as a 980 in some games. For the price, a 290x is fantastic for 4K. This is of course, assuming you have a beefy power supply and adequate cooling in your case. The 290x is a hot, power consuming card, but it performs great. I would go no less than a 800 watt power supply, so make sure you can handle two 290x's.
  6. AMD 300 series!!! However, if you want an Nvidia card, the 980 is really powerful. From what I have seen, the next card above the GTX 980 will be a Titan, which as Vlad said, will likely be much more expensive.
  7. It does according to the video. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127832&cm_re=msi_gtx_970-_-14-127-832-_-Product Scroll down and click the video. It also has a superior heatsink to the Strix. This has 4 heatpipes, whereas, the Strix has 3.
  8. Yay!!! Why does AMD name their architectures after construction vehicles? Excavator, bulldozer, steam roller, etc.