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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    In Gaben's Secret Room
  • Interests
    Taking long walks in the park
  • Biography
    My biography is the same as yours, because I am you.
  • Occupation
    School :(


  • CPU
  • Motherboard
    Asus H97 plus
  • RAM
    8gb DDR3 1600hz
  • GPU
    Windforce gtx 770 2gb
  • Case
    Corsair 230t
  • Storage
    WD blue
  • PSU
    Seasonic M12II 620w
  • Display(s)
  • Cooling
    The air from my lungs
  • Keyboard
    CMSTORM Combo
  • Mouse
  • Operating System
  1. All of these are newegg http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487035&cm_re=gtx_760-_-14-487-035-_-Product : [gtx 760] http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125614&cm_re=gtx_770-_-14-125-614-_-Product [gtx 770] The 770 is only $16 over his 200 limit.
  2. So I just did this (late at night had to do something) and It says I'm up to date and I didn't even need to scan for updates :0. This is the first time I have ever had this happen. It didn't even do any of the normal restarts, ect.
  3. I guess I get that now, But what can I do?
  4. It has been stuck in the same place for 30 mins now, Is it safe to force close GFE and hope for the best.(I can't close the window either). What should I do. http://imgur.com/p2iTiUP I know the picture is not mine but I'm running out of time I didn't think It would get stuck, please help me.
  5. I also made a new user account to try it out and it had the same problem. Setting wouldn't save and so on.
  6. I was going to do something like that months ago but now I don't think It would be worth keeping half the stuff I have.
  7. I have many games downloaded and things and my user profile is corrupted. Does reinstalling from the disk keep all of the programs or would it be easier to just format and reinstall? EDIT: Is it even worth keeping files if my profile is corrupted to begin with?
  8. I actually havent had any data lost belive it or not.
  9. I have had my new pc for half a year now and I noticed that some of the changes I make in advanced settings didnt save, and after a quick looking around I found out that the user profile is corrupted. Is this a bad thing and something I should fix? (takes a long time to fix). I have been using my pc for months and im now wondering if its bad to keep like this? Thanks in advance for any help.
  10. I know but that kinda set me off only because my pc is about 2 weeks old and well over the recommended specs for the game so. That was really funny
  11. I was playing Arma 3 on my new machine. GTX770 8gb ddr3 ram and i5 4690k and when I quit the game windows asked me if I wanted to switch areo themes to make my pc run faster even though the game is only using 3 out of the 8gb. I'm really confused.
  12. I got some of my new pc parts a few days ago. I opened some of the boxes and the PSU (I know they don't come in one) doesn't come in a antistatic bag. I touched it over carpet and im wondering if I did any damage to it. It wasn't plugged in no wires where connected. In case your wondering its a seasonic m12II Evo.
  13. Sorry for adding on after its been solved but I saw a gtx 770 for 199.99. Not bad
  14. Personally, I ask questions because I haven't done this before. Thanks, Don't have side intake but I'll live.