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Everything posted by patriciadiaz1919

  1. Do I still need dac if I got scarlet 3 gen? https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07QR73T66/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  2. I am trying to balance out Proton and Skiff as Proton is more paid version as free wont give you alias until you paid pro as Skiff give you 4 for free? Proton swiss security but there a Germany server data servers that people say Germany are not pro privacy people as many say they may use them to spy on people more becuase diffrent law there. Skiff is on the USA as it harder to mess with the serves and may need the law and letter warrant to serch email and person little harder to do something as the same time modern polticis and tech collasion spying by the glowy as they even having spy mobile phones track that can read your personal text and internet traffic. Tutanota Germany try they sound little more meaner as they told me why you need this account as I retry login later on they made delete my account as the site does say we will remove the account on the limiit server. I am the only I dont trust outlook keep getting attack world wide and spam by random hotmail and gmail people trying to make me click links and cant even do alias with out please give me two weeks for new one as the same time making you pay preuim for ad free as even higer version still wont allow you to make more than two alias to organized email so people cant reach the main email.
  3. Are new version better or older headphones for audiophiles? I listing allot of Anime music,classic,rock,metal Will this work for also wacthing videos with lower audio with out needing to boost gain. I also have flac files and wanna test hires and Are this audiophile possbile sony 360 and apple special sound and dolby sourrond sound? Are this good? I am in the midwest Usa. https://www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-Open-Back-Professional-Headphone/dp/B00004SY4H/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=CWOm3&content-id=amzn1.sym.35cab78c-35e3-4fc1-aab0-27eaa6c86063%3Aamzn1.symc.e5c80209-769f-4ade-a325-2eaec14b8e0e&pf_rd_p=35cab78c-35e3-4fc1-aab0-27eaa6c86063&pf_rd_r=WR0E52K1H44J6E9GDRM9&pd_rd_wg=jzNUk&pd_rd_r=bfad14a0-b79f-4666-b148-e5b51701c61a&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_atf_m Is there wireless version of this type of headphones?
  4. You know any good ones and can share me some links on Amazon?
  5. I got JBL is there better type and high end brand will I get more out of it. I kinda like Yamaha MSP5 Studio Monitor or Yamaha HS8 POWERED STUDIO MONITOR.
  6. It black friday month as I want to see if there good middle or high end chair? I want to stay in 150 dollars that work on hard wood floor. What the best fictures do I look for and are off brand very chinese chair worst than cheap one. I found this two not sure are the big brand or atleast american and not chinese knock offs? https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C4GRM8HS/ref=ewc_pr_img_3?smid=A2OH1UYMV54K86&th=1 https://www.amazon.com/Razzor-Ergonomic-Adjustable-Breathable-Executive/dp/B0C3B1FWYF/ref=psdc_5264133011_t3_B0C4GRM8HS?th=1#customerReviews https://www.amazon.com/Ergonomic-Mid-Back-Adjustable-Executive-Computer/dp/B0BRY78N5V/ref=sr_1_2?c=ts&keywords=Home+Office+Desk+Chairs&qid=1700533977&refinements=p_n_feature_twenty-one_browse-bin%3A23713750011%2Cp_36%3A10000-30000%2Cp_n_feature_twenty-eight_browse-bin%3A24003408011&rnid=24003293011&s=furniture&sr=1-2&ts_id=3733721&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.18ed3cb5-28d5-4975-8bc7-93deae8f9840#customerReviews
  7. I have my parents going to vacation outside the Usa. My parents mom died who know there house but I want some security to spy on the home when we leave it as it outside the USa. Is there a way to use IP or any camara outside my home in the Usa to none Usa and little money. I seeing videos that only internet to give it ip adress to remote connect on the internet as I am not sure can I do it with out NVR as I dont want to record it and no storage I just want to have a eye on the house. I do have internet in the both houses. Also is it possible to have it on Nvidia tv shild as I can also run Apk. I have also both android and apple devices apps. Any one got some fun and easy teach for it and can also work. Can this work also on url web or home assiant too?
  8. I found one Eaton it says on green run usbhid. How do I run this on pfsense? https://www.amazon.com/Eaton-3S750-Battery-Protector-Outlets/dp/B005EIHDIK?th=1 https://networkupstools.org/docs/man/usbhid-ups.html
  9. I want to run pfsense and also servers like truenas and unraid. I want to test only a pfsense desktop build with Ryzen core 1800x as it can run 850 power supply. Not sure for pfsense and servers use fully the 850 power of the supply or half of it when running 24/7. I want to buy good brand last long and good battery replacement with out costing to much money as I heard allot of tripp lite but the list make it pain in the but to choose as I just see old models. Is nut fully support for all ups battery back up as the list feels mix and brands who arent public brand more company brands. Also can I cheat the compalitilys with rasperi pie juice as I see them on the list also? I am also thinking going power bank when I safe enough money as there going good price as not sure can I use nut on them to autoshutdown pfsense and servers or write new code to accpet one as feel cheaper and less pain to replace with new battery LiFePO4. https://www.bluettipower.com/products/bluetti-ac200p-2000wh-2000w-portable-power-station?variant=43863716430043 The nut list. https://networkupstools.org/stable-hcl.html The video how user use rasperri pi to auto shutdown. The config file how he wrote it. https://docs.technotim.live/posts/NUT-server-guide/
  10. Yes I pick the custom Nvidia version. The wierd thing I boot others Linux version they start automatic with out problem only pop76 will do that. I also try this on uefi gpt laptop it automatic start as only pop76 does that error. I try both partion click to see the logo screen pop76 to black screen when enter as I also try all the usb creation tools and still do the same things as I did also restore old setting to bios. I also use eufi and gpt to turn off secure booth.
  11. I am trying to use pop76 and the wierd thing I see the logo booth up and press enter the number down to 0 as it just go black screen and nothing else happen. The wierd thing when I move away from the gpt with eufi only I use as I change it to legacy mode the usb had extra option as I click it run as normal but slower as it boot up and I can do anything. Then I look online many complain how Rufus grays out the mbr to gpt are not alloweed to use it as also hybrid iso so cant force to gpt. I use ssd 960 evo two of them I may upgrade to nvme m.2. Is there a way to force to gpt as Rufus wont let me to run on my desktop. Will it matter if I use usb hub connect to the desktop as I try also on it and the back of the motherboard too. Desktop Z390 Aorus pro wifi it bios update to the new version of this year. 2 960 evo ssd 1060 gigabtye gtx Also people with the same problem.
  12. So your saying it be wiser to buy two of them one personal use and other like the smart devices tv and google home it of things.
  13. Is there quad version of this type https://www.ebay.com/itm/363794187486?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=0qH_6hjcTlO&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=B1xTkXm_Qfe&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  14. Got links for this gig speed as I get 1200 as I want 10 gig one becuase I am also doing plex server and Nas also as this gonna be running unifi enterprize wifi 6e as I am power user and more extra for fun as I may get job in the It companys.
  15. I am building a pfsense with high end I had extra cpu I didn't use, and I got big power supply they almost cost the same in amazon and I like most that brand because it silent and gonna be running all ways and it is small home I hear everything even the walls you can hear all other rooms. I am also want to get 1030 gtx cards as I want fully eufi x64 bit. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/QTfbhk I see some people link me this links of the website telling me more information of the list as they're not even links for some top 3 to get. I want some one can you help me get the top 3 and version of this year or modern links I want both gig and 10 gig speed. I run new and I got Comcast gig speed 1200. I am also getting unifi switch flex may upgrade them as I also want unifi ax enterprise wifi 6e. https://www.servethehome.com/buyers-guides/top-hardware-components-freenas-nas-servers/top-picks-freenas-nics-networking/ https://forums.servethehome.com/index.php?threads/list-of-nics-and-their-equivalent-oem-parts.20974/
  16. What does that mean I may upgrade to 7.1 as will 12 awg enough for both.
  17. I need speacker wire not sure what awg or format number I need as I see there 8 to 20 range of cable mass as some say 12 agw enough as not sure will this matter for long distance and high qqquailty audio which best work and why. my stuff Denon AVR-S760H 7.2-Channel Home Theater AV Receiver 8K Video Ultra HD 4K/120 - (New 2021) Klipsch Reference R-26FA 5.1 Home Theater Pack
  18. I have a 7.1 avr as not sure will the audio be effect it if one was higher than other one as one may be 2 feet and other is 1 feet or less.
  19. If I get 5.1 get can I keep the it when I upgrade it to 7.1 like with Klipsch brand.
  20. Is it I keep people say for music you need 7.1 to high ress or lowless flac to play better is it true vs getting 5.1 version.
  21. This confusing where do I get links to buy and what the longest it can do.
  22. I keep seeing there guide that says the hdmi longest is 5 feet as more may have more flaws as I use amazon it mess to find cables and good reviews every where as some even say 20 feet. I am using tv 2.1 hdmi dynmaic hdr with sound and others. Is there guide for real hdmi 2.1 cables cerification proof cables. How long can I push hdmi 2.1 cable as the offical guide said 5 feet as store say more?
  23. I keep seeing 5.1 moslty is moslty used for everthing and rare see 7.1 What are 7.1 audio are used for and are they worthless? How do they work if there no 5.1 audio will all the speacker sound in the same time or only sound two of them in stereo mode and will the back stereos next to me will it still sound with out a 5.1 show? What cables do I need as parents still use the old 90 rca and what the best do I need for lowless,hi rez,flac. I am gonna get Denon S760H as good price and newest version.