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  1. I have been using GSam Battery to try to find out what is causing my battery drain but it hasn't been very helpful. Before I tried to post this (and was thwarted by my phone not letting me change text properly) my battery was at 61% after being unplugged for 4.5 hours. I can post a screenshot of the full stats later if I need to when I am on my computer but for now I will include those which I think are relevant. The screen had only been on for 24 seconds. It was held awake for 2 hours but I don't know why. 43% of of the total battery used was by the OS which seems crazy to me. Also it seems to be heating up without reason. tl;dr My OS seems to be taking up excessively high amounts of my phone battery. And in the 40 minutes it took me to post this my battery has gone down to 41%. I can post stats on this usage later as well if it is relevant. I need help!
  2. Just built my first computer and already folding away. Intel i7 3820 And an MSI GTX 670 PE All stock speed until I can put time into figuring out this overclocking thing.
  3. I'm not very familiar with the different types of switches so I'm looking for recommendations. I do not currently game very much at all, but I would like to get back into it when I have time. I'll probably use the keyboard mostly for typing. I like number pads. I don't really care about having marco keys and I really want something that is backlit. I'm currently using a wireless logitech keyboard and mouse combo that lags more than I thought was even possible so basically anything would be an improvement. My budget is flexible, $100 would be nice but I'm looking for a mechanical keyboard so that probably won't work, I should be able to stretch it to $150 and not hate myself too much.
  4. Well, it's safe to say that this thread has blown up. Shares: Facebook:[url=https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=453905661347630&id=100004152794277]https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=453905661347630&id=100004152794277[/url=https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=453905661347630&id=100004152794277] Twitter: [url=https://twitter.com/PaulSkitz/status/315228515924582400]https://twitter.com/PaulSkitz/status/315228515924582400[/url=https://twitter.com/PaulSkitz/status/315228515924582400]