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Egor the builder.

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Everything posted by Egor the builder.

  1. I really can not get a high end on only in the 125 dollar range and the Line-R 1200VA Automatic Voltage Regulator says it would protect against brownouts and over voltages so I though would be good, do you think it would work in my case?
  2. Well first of all it’s only 15% after the first year, second of all for some company’s the 15% is managers while for others it’s not, I say this as an Apple developer, I also agree with Apple, also there some great YouTube videos on this topic.
  3. I am wondering if I should fully invest in a ups just get a Acp Line-R 1200VA Automatic Voltage Regulator? I am building a high end gaming pc but all the ups’s are really expensive and I would rather invest in my gpu or such. Also what is the difference between a high-end ups and a cheaper one , one from cyber power and one from apc both Iine interactive I think.
  4. I am building a new gaming pc and would like to know if a dark rock pro 4 would be able to cool a core i9-10900k, I would like to do some overclocking if possible, room temps around 24c and relly good case airflow?
  5. Thanks I will get a better psu and Swap the hdd with a ssd but isn’t 32 gb ram overkill for ram?
  6. Oh I just wanted top of the line, state of the art, you know I was saving up of a while... lol.
  7. Could you put a ups on the floor and it is loud, that is the limiting factors as I have limited desk space and I am very noise foucused?
  8. Do you have a cooler that you recommend that is not an aio and quite? I know I am asking for a lot sorry!
  9. Would it take a lot of space and/or could a fit on in the case (in the psu shroud or in the hdd cages? Also aren’t power surges covered under warranty? Do you have any that you would recommend and do they affect preformance and/or are they had to install?
  10. I do intend to do some W treat over locking good thing is where I live the house temps are quite loo! About the ssds I will do that but should I leave the space with the hdd cages, should I leave it empty?
  11. Budget : 8750 usd. Country: United Kingdom Games, programs or workloads that it will be used for: Gaming, home usage. Otherdetails I will wait until rtx 3000 comes out. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/PpJpXv I am going to use a Rode usb mic and cable ties, in addition to this. I am going to buy after rtx 3000 comes out. I want to be able to use vr and be able to game at Ultra quality and high refresh rates.