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Everything posted by daveholland86

  1. The Asus has cooled VRMs with the heat sink. There is also a cooling pad that can be used to push air into the vents.
  2. Yes I was going to low temp solder, but then everything else is low temp soldered to the heat pipes. In short that means I will desolder everything else to solder a water pipe on there. I got some thermal pads under the tubes now and it helped lower it a couple more degrees C. Idle is ~45c and max load is about 70c.
  3. With the new enclosure I am seeing about 5c lower temps over the jar water loop. The fan is more powerful and I have increased flow with the two pumps. I am actually now having a hard time keeping the water res sealed. It will stay sealed with no leaks for a day or two but then develop a leak. Maybe I have finally got it sealed this time, we will see. I also finally put a copper loop on my Asus Strix and I am seeing about 60C under load. Its cool enough the fans never kick on over idle. The case is also very tight, but I was able to get the back panel back on where I just have a hose running out of the computer.
  4. I would use a pressure switch. You can get a bunch of them for around $30. What you can do is wire it so that when the pressure is low (a leak) it will shut off. There are various ones you can buy that will have all that set. You just wire it up on a switch to bypass so you can start the loop. Once the loop is started, flick the switch and it will shut off when a drop in PSI is detected. VDO makes a bunch of them. You will have to test your current PSI to select a sensor that is just below your pressure. You would wire it up by selected a closed PSI switch and have the main power come from the sensor to you pump with a bypass of board power to the pump for turning the whole system on. Then when you are up to PSI, deactivate the power bypass and the pump power will be supplied from the sensor. Should only need a one pole switch as they both will share the common ground in the power supply. I am not sure of the PSI of these loops, but ideally you would want one the same exact as the PSI of your system. 10 PSI switch for a 10 PSI system. That way it will be the most sensitive to any leaks or changes in pressure.
  5. Sealing up the Water Res, which I found was a complete pain, about 5x more the silicone on here than I thought was going to be required. Water fill test, leak, water fill test, leak, repeat about 5 times until it held. Hard lines. They were heated and bent using an insert and do no restrict flow. Looking good and went together as planned. Just not planned was the small spaces and my large hands. Completed version and it works. Probably the new higher CFM and pressure fan, but I am getting now consistently 2c lower than my setup before. The idea of this project is to be portable, or more so exchangeable. I have multiple laptops and while not in use, the cooling unit will run on my Plex machine. With the quick disconnects on the laptops and the cooler unit, I can hook it up to anyone I am using at the time if I don't want excessive fan noise while gaming or working.
  6. It came out so much better than expected. I almost feel I should be working in a design job. The dickbutt is for Linus.
  7. Storing Lithium batteries at a full charge is bad, that can also kill the battery. A battery going into known long term storage needs to be at 50% charge or it can and will damage the cells.
  8. To me the good intersection on price, performance, quality, and ease is an Acer Aspire of Swift Ryzen. They support NVMe and have a 2.5" bay for cheaper SSD or multi TB HDD. I am not so quick to give up the 2.5" yet.
  9. The only reason to run Mac is if you want a really solid web browsing book. It's better than all the other Chromebooks in its category.
  10. Just me again, everyone know where I stand with this conundrum of Ryzen laptops they launched. Who ever designed the single Dimm Ryzen board, needs to be fired.
  11. You can get an i7 9750 and 1660 Ti for $1000. The rest depends on what design you like. I would avoid any AMD GPU, you get a Ryzen then shoot your foot with an AMD card.
  12. Perfect observation, my old MSI is a GE60, the one I am water cooling now. No the 531 isnt, but for me coming from the GE60 it night and day. It doesnt throttle and doesnt even run high fan most of the time gaming. I am also water cooling this one too, just got done bending the hard line pipes for it.
  13. Amazon has the Swift Ryzen 7. https://www.amazon.com/Acer-Octa-Core-Processor-Fingerprint-SF314-42-R9YN/dp/B086KKKT15/ref=sr_1_16?dchild=1&keywords=aspire+5+ryzen+5&qid=1594937503&sr=8-16
  14. This one has been really good for me. My last i7 MSI was only designed with a single fan to cool everything. Now that was a crazy idea.
  15. What about an Acer Aspire 5? They have one with the Ryzen 5 4500u in it and I have the Ryzen 3 model and it runs cool. https://www.microcenter.com/product/622881/acer-aspire-5-a515-44-r2hp-156-laptop-computer---black_Hatchfeed They make a new Ryzen 7 model, but there is no store that has them in stock.
  16. Ryzen 5 1080p panel from factory. https://www.amazon.com/Acer-Display-Graphics-Keyboard-A515-43-R19L/dp/B07Z1165XY?th=1 For the 4500u even Acer is only showing the Swift 3 and its an FHD display. Try to find an Aspire 7 with the new 4000 series in it. All these models advertise FHD displays. Where is the listing you are finding that shows lower than FHD? https://www.microcenter.com/product/622881/acer-aspire-5-a515-44-r2hp-156-laptop-computer---black_Hatchfeed Finally found it. Looking back I am pretty sure its a bad ad where the spec is listed wrong. All of these new laptops come with 1080p panels, they cost about $5 to the manufacturer. 14" is where some cheap it out and put lower res screens. I have not seen a sub 1080p 15" and up in a long while.
  17. In that case, since they have them already for that specific body, I would say it would be an easy swap and plug. Well relative easy since you have to disassemble a ton and its thin plastic.
  18. In this model I got about 50c idle temps, which is good for a laptop. I didnt see an improvement with the new paste until full load, even then I was still not hitting thermal throttle. I always prop mine up to it can get more air though so that may be a difference. Soon also to be water cooled.
  19. No the Vivobook is not that bad, its just has no dedicated video card. The cooling solution is going to be the rough patch. If it keep thermal throttling its about only good for productivity work. Can you get it locally to you, as in a walk in shop and not mail order? If you can, I say verify their return policy and try it out for yourself and see.
  20. You are the first person ever to bring that up, no its my actual name.
  21. Not at all, this thing is perfect and I have no issues and I dont expect any. I have never had an Asus part fail on me. I have had Gigabyte and MSI boards fail in the past.
  22. A lot of the thin laptops come in around the $1000-1500 USD mark. There are gaming machines at $600-700 but they are not the thin design mostly. Take a look at the MSI GF63 series. https://www.newegg.com/black-msi-gf-series-gf63-thin-9scx-005-gaming-entertainment/p/N82E16834155354?item=N82E16834155354&source=region&nm_mc=knc-googleadwords-pc&cm_mmc=knc-googleadwords-pc-_-pla-_-gaming+laptops-_-N82E16834155354&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIite4l-3R6gIVUD2tBh14EAAjEAQYAyABEgKcv_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds