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  1. Thanks both for the advice. It has actually just vanished again. Not sure if this is what you wanted:
  2. While rendering in Blender to one of my drives it stopped after a while, and I noticed that it was due to the drive vanishing. So I restarted my PC and now it's back, and appears to be fine, and lets me render to it still. There is now a beeping noise coming from my pc whenever a render completes a frame (I've stopped rendering to the drive currently as to not cause any unwanted damage), not sure if this was there before, but I certainly didn't notice it. It could be a drive sound? I'm unsure. I have read that drives can disconnect due to a bad cable, and that they can beep due to insufficient power as they get older. Unsure if that is the problem mind Any advice would be appreciated And the drive in question is Kingston SA400S37240G that I think was bought in 2018 Update: I've resunk the cables into the SSD and now it appears to be not beeping, so I assume all this was caused by a cable coming lose Update 2: Lost connection to the drive again
  3. So I've just bought myself a HP ENVY 13 2 in 1 laptop, and I want to be able to write on it, but also use it for sculpting on blender. The questions I have are; why is there so much variation in price? And is there anything I should look for in a pen? I assume they all work with other laptops no matter the brand? I had found this one https://www.hp.com/gb-en/shop/product.aspx?id=3J122AA&opt=ABB&sel=ACC&lang=en-GB&gclid=Cj0KCQjws4aKBhDPARIsAIWH0JV7bRiQP0N19FRUvtvQlXq3Tzw-IIxWXg6C2f3s6EDimYJlZ1g8PPoaAqiIEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds But honestly I have no idea if its good, or whether it really doesn't matter what pen you get at all, and they are just all the same with a brand slapped on it? Any help or advice would be much appreciated!
  4. Cheers, i think ill go with amd then as i doubt ill be doing much gaming
  5. Well anything really, whatever i feel like creating, in game assets and high poly meshes for baking, etc. Though i might render with my desktop if im at home.
  6. I’ve been looking at the HP Spectre x360 14 and 15 models as they are windows pc’s (useful for software i use) and they have 2 in 1 touch screen models which might be handy for sculpting in blender. My question is would people recommend the model 14 versions (intel processors) or model 15 (amd processors). If i had a budget it probably would be max £1,600, and both seem to be relatively the same price wise. cheers in advance
  7. I've been thinking about buying a laptop for my studies and have been looking at the HP Spectre x360 14-ea0009na (link below), and just wondered is it good for sculpting 3D models in programs such as blender? Cheers https://www.hp.com/gb-en/shop/product.aspx?id=2Z6X7EA&opt=ABU&sel=NTB
  8. Essentially what maintenance should I be doing with my PC?
  9. Hello, Essentially my computer within the past week has been stuttering in nearly all games, in this case Apex, CS:GO, etc., though i have not noticed stuttering in RTS games like StarCraft 2. I have reinstalled my GPU drivers (though I have not done a clean install). My GPU (1060 6GB) has been running at 75-79 degrees C when playing games, but it has been running at temps like this for a while I think. Any help or suggestions, much appreciated
  10. I (My dad) just bought Microsoft Office 2019 from softwarekeep.co.uk and it's downloading a .img file, I've never heard of this file type. What is it? Should I be worried about it? And why is my computer saying it can be potentially harmful?
  11. So I have a computer with Windows 7 Pro already installed, and I have the Windows 10 installation tool downloaded and ready to run. Is it as simple as running the tool and upgrading then I'll get a licenced Windows 10? Only reason I ask is I thought the scheme to upgrade for free had ended? Any help or incite on the process is appreciated
  12. Essentially I have a computer with Windows 7 Professional, when upgrading it through Microsoft do you get to keep the processional part, i.e. I would get Windows 10 Professional? or do you get the basic Windows 10?
  13. My computer is working normally, it just looks like there is a slightly transparent grey filter.