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Posts posted by dzafo

  1. Hello, I'm new to the forum, but I watched LTT for years. My suggestion is, because Data Science is becoming the next big thing on the job market, I suggest you (Linus Tech Tips) make a video for entry level, mid level and high level PC builds. I encountered a bunch of people who try to build there PC get into lot of problems with their budgets.

    Why people tend to build their own Machine learning PC:

    1. Machine and Deep learning need much more power then our every day PC, because they do lot computational stuff

    2. AWS and Azure are too expensive

    3. A lot of Data Scientist(DS) and Analyst(DA) are not familiar with building a PC (reason: many DS and DA come from the statistics field and are not familiar with programming and just starting out with it)


  2. Hello, I'm new to the forum but I've followed the LTT channel for years, my question is:

    How can I setup a server in my home that is used for Machin Learning (ML), and I want to run my code from my laptop, but the actual should be running on my server, and then when the process is completed I want it displayed on my screen on the laptop. 

    I know what part's I need, I only need to know how to setup the software. (I use the jupyter notebook)


