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DO-MAM1 game account

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  1. Wdkpaul I tried that but this comes up when I try to access my regular windows 7 desktop from my windows 7 gaming desktop server not found/you don’t have access permissions.
  2. Is the EVGA GeForce GTX 750 Ti compatible with Elgato Game Capture HD60 Pro PCIe Capture Card I would just like to know before I buy Elgato card.
  3. I have a windows 7 desktop that I want to set all 4 hard drives as network drives so I can use the drives for extra storage for my windows 7 gaming desktop because I maxed out my 4 hard drives storage space and I have no more than 4 Sata ports that are all ready being used on my windows 7 gaming desktop and my windows 7 desktop that has lots of open storage on 4 hard drives that I don’t use that I finally will be using but the thing is I’m going to need some help with and if their is anyone that can help me that would be great.
  4. You can give me the broken ups with everything that you have that goes with the broken ups because I have a use for the parts that are inside because it’s stuff I need for a project.