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  1. ok perfect, do u have any suggestions for a switch?
  2. ok i think i got what u guys mean, so i should connect from router>switch>patch panels>different rooms, correct?
  3. ok so thats the part for the output ethernet outlets, how do i connect that to the router though
  4. u lost me again, can u explain the full diagram from start to finish? like start with router>x>y>z>a and such?
  5. so it's called cat6 mounting panel? cuz i will need to do a bit of research about the hardware availability where i'm from
  6. oh i think i got u, u want every room to connect to that fuse panel, and the router connects to the input outlet, and that outlet connects as input inside the fuse panel?
  7. there is no "utility room" this will be a living apartment, i want to setup the minimalist setup as much as possible
  8. ok sweet, so just to recap, do my normal router setup, and from 1 of the outputs in the router, run it into the switch, and from the switch to the power outlet which has fiber/cat6 running into separate rooms?
  9. we are using VDSL here, i'm guessing u mean the phone cable?
  10. can you explain more? like do i need a switch before the input outlet, or a switch per room or what exactly
  11. hi everyone, i am trying to wire up a new apartment from scratch with electrical/internet and i was wondering how can i implement the following. i want to have 1 ethernet input in an outlet in the middle of the place, where i can put an ethernet cable from the router -> outlet and have an output ethernet port in every other room reading from that router. how can this possibly be implemented? do i need a server setup, or do i just have fiber running from that input that splits into different branches, 1 leading to each room? and wouldn't that affect the internet speed per room if that was applicable? could use any sort of guidance here, thank you.