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  1. Additional question here, would this work just like any built in Thunderbolt port or does it have some limitations? I assume it wouldn't.
  2. Twice a day, after I wake up and before bed. Also floss in the evenings. I heard once that the good news about flossing is you don't have to floss all your teeth, just the ones you want to keep.
  3. I forget how much hype there was behind BF3 multiplayer sometimes. That was the game that finally convinced me to go PC. Does anyone even still play it anymore.
  4. Ryzen isn't very weak? It's a pretty solid processor. Intel does perform better on somethings, like adobe products but they are pretty comparable. Do they have any extra features you're looking for? Touchscreen, lighting connectors, or anything else?
  5. Are you planning to work with a lot of 4K video footage?