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  1. Ah thats interesting, im so sick of all the launchers i have to use now to play games. I loved Doom Eternal and completed it last night, tho i will agree with you that there are a few confusing elements to it, i'm an original old school Doom fan and have played every PC version of this game and at no time has it ever been mentioned that he lives on his own floating space station that was originally part of another planet, theyve basically just made up a story and called it Doom Lore. As it stands tho it was a great game, slightly frustrating at points but otherwise enjoyable.
  2. I dont think its possible to use a Bethesda key on steam and in order to run doom youll need the bethesda launcher anyway as it will not load without it.
  3. was looking for a good deal on this game and found this to be the cheapest https://www.cdkeys.com/pc/games/doom-eternal-bethesda-pc?utm_currency=GBP&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3qzzBRDnARIsAECmryoC0SQOUh40Tte3CCj4Y7WGific665a1y8FklwiEYQQ-rmh0iuEZOsaAv0_EALw_wcB
  4. Had a psu explode when i first got into building becuase i changed the red switch on the back, the bang was quite savage lol, also overclocked an old board and cpu without heatsink on purpose to watch it destroy itself, that was pretty insane, it put a hole through the board and the desk.
  5. i actually didnt, it just installed my new componens driver etc Thnk i should do a fresh install?
  6. So ive just upgraded my machine from a Sabertooth x58 + Xeon X5675 and was running 8gb ram, i've now installed Asus Prime B450M-A board and Ryzen 3 3200G with 16gb of Corsair rgb pro, it feels slower and any attempt to OC anything results in me having to clear the CMOS and start again. So any suggestion into speeding this up would be much appreciated.