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About DaZe_FAM0US

  • Birthday Jun 10, 1996

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  • Steam
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  • Battle.net
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  • CPU
    i7 4770k
  • Motherboard
    Asus Z87 Pro
  • RAM
    16Gb trident x
  • GPU
    GTX 760 4Gb FTW
  • Case
    Corsair C70
  • Storage
    1TB seagate,250 SSD
  • PSU
    Antec 750w bronz
  • Display(s)
    Asus vg248
  • Cooling
  • Keyboard
    Corsair Raptor K50 Gaming Keyboard
  • Mouse
    Bloody ultra
  • Sound
    Logitech g930

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  1. my pump has been on quiet should i put it on performance? im worried ill stress the pump after it being so low for years
  2. think im going to go with noctua this time its a pain to clean a dual RAD
  3. im going to do both im just getting the case fans now cause they are older than my cooler and loud as f***
  4. ok next time i go to clean it ill check the water, i have gotten fans for my RAD from nocuta and now im gunna get some case fans from them on friday
  5. everything is installed correctly/same as the original fans they plug into the pump which is plugged into the CPu header
  6. its at the end of the day when i check my temps after leaving my HW monitor on its not just sitting there i dont think
  7. its so quiet its worried me i used to hear it spin up and the water move but now its quiet im getting all new case fans on friday and not sure yet but the cooler the check after
  8. i have a 4770k so it is supposed to run hot and i TRY to clean it every 3 month and i just re applied some NH-H1 on it when i got some noctua fans for it a month ago
  9. im not sure if its an issue because it wont stay there and i know this is what my AIO is for but ive been checking on my temps because of its age and if i leave it on the MAX inCPUID says it was at 98 c so its got me worried cause i have the money for a cooler but dont want to spend it if i dont need to
  10. ive had my H110IGT for about 6 years now and my temps are 50 idle 69max i know its not bad but its getting old and im not sure what to do buy a new cooler or am i just worried over nothing
  11. my 970 i had was a ftw and it was an amazing card lasted me 5 years i had a gigabit one that was DOA and my 760 was a evga i sold to upgrade to the 970
  12. yea i was looking at them and it runs well but im an evga fanboy Dx
  13. it runs fine i just feel like now is a good time to upgrade am i wrong?
  14. im just worried that games will get to a point that i will be bottle necked so im thinking its just time to upgrade i have a 1060 rn and im not in a rush for 4k im just worried my mobo or ram will die and its kinda a pain to find the same mobo i have rn (z87 pro) that isnt the same price as a new one i also wanted to upgrade my ram since im running 2 diffrent speeds and cant find the same speed stick any more
  15. i had a 970 but it died and im running a 1060 3gb card rn (cheapest i could get that wasnt shit)