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Everything posted by UltimateUgabuga

  1. The movie was ok it wasn't awful but there was so much more they could have done with it
  2. Sometimes your booty deserves a reward
  3. I would go with Rick. Rick Sebastian,sounds nice and official like.
  4. Woops didn't see the new off topic section .sorry
  5. I once stuck my finger into an empty light-bulb socket that was on. It felt like my finger died. What's the stupidest thing you have done?
  6. If you are going to OC you should go with a K-series CPU, If not I would say the h220 is a bit overkill for cooling.
  7. What podcast do you guys listen to? I'm trying to find some new podcastiones to listen to. Currently I listen to- -TGS Podcast -KBMOD Podcast -Creature Talk -Cox n' crendor in the morning I prefer humor oriented podcast, If you have any recommendations feel free to share.
  8. I have an ipod and ipad. they were both gifts so I didn't use one cent.
  9. Hurricane Irene which wasnt much and Hurricane Sandy which was much worse. Hurricanes are becoming more common in NYC and its rustlin my jimmies.
  10. What was your most proudest moment in school? Mine was in high school freshman year, I got a 97 on my US history regents while only going to that class 3 times. It was also my first regents exam ever.
  11. Its a mexican soda. Gotta find it in the little bodegas n stuff
  12. Look up KBMOD on youtube they are pretty zany. They are 18+ humor oriented though
  13. Recently I've been reading about how English people believe dominoes pizza is really good. At first i thought they were crazy but apparently they use different recipes or something like that. I've been wondering are there other places like this around the world?