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Headpats for good news please uwu find out today if my ankle (which i found out a month after that its fractured, got call yesterday)’s fracture needs surgery or is healing fine

  1. themctipers
  2. vanished


    no bap, don't need more things breaking


    hopefully it's ok :)

  3. themctipers


    a headpat is just a headbap


    bap just sounds more hard, but it can be a pat too

  4. Kenji the Uke

    Kenji the Uke

    Its doing fine. He said since Im able to walk on it, then keep on goin’. Thanks doc ;w; Great talk. Makin me panic when you could have told me over the phone..

  5. vanished


    They used to just call you in if there was an issue so no news was good news, but I guess they want to make sure they make contact either way now so you know you dind't just miss the call.  As for having you come in person, I guess it's a security/privacy thing (unless he had to physically check it again, in which case the reason should be obvious).
