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About kwblauwster

  • Birthday May 08, 1997

Contact Methods

  • Steam
  • Origin
  • Battle.net
  • PlayStation Network
  • Xbox Live

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    pc bluilds
  • Occupation
    student game desing


  • CPU
    I7- 5820K
  • Motherboard
    MSI X99 SLI plus
  • RAM
    32 gb DDR4
  • GPU
    2x MSI GTX 970
  • Case
    Phanteks Enthoo Luxe
  • Storage
    500gb ssd + 2x 3tb green HDD
  • PSU
    corsair RM1000
  • Display(s)
    LG 34UM95
  • Cooling
    swiftech H220-X
  • Keyboard
    Razer blackwidow Chroma
  • Sound
    logitech z906
  • Operating System
    windows 10

kwblauwster's Achievements

  1. hi me and some classmates need to make a game within 7 weeks from now. we however don´t know anything about programming. we have a lot of great ideas but were not sure wat takes to long to program. we neet to make it brouwser based and we plan on using Unity. we need to make a 30sec - 2 min demo. can somebody tell me how much word the following consepts are for programming. give it a rating 1-10 with 10 being imposseble and 1 easy 1. a slenderman game with puzzels 2. a singelplayer shooter in a spaceship 3. a sidescroller game like mario or super meat boy 4. a strategy game like FTL 5. a parcour game like mirrors edge inside a singel building 6. a survival game like the forrest, dayz or minecraft
  2. hi i'm looking to upgrade my iphone 4 to al littlebit more modern phone i want 4k camera, long battery life and (mini)sd card slot. any sugestions?? right now i'm looking at the lg g3 and g4
  3. Hello everybody, A friend of mine found this MacBook pro in a dumpster. It looks new and in fine shape. Brought too me but I have no experience with MacBook. First thing I did was open it up. Inside I found that the hard drive was missing and that the cable too the battery was disconnected. I replaced the hard drive with an old one I had laying around and reconnected the power cable. After a short charge I pressed the on button. It looked promising. A small light on the bottom flashed short and the speakers gave the classic sound a mac gives at startup. But nothing happen on the screen. The screen stayed as black as ever. i checked the inside of the MacBook while it was on and found the fans spinning. So they work fine as well. It seems that there is just something wrong with the screen. Any tips on how to fix it? i plan on trying to connect it to an external screen by thunderbolt too see what happens then and hopefully see what the exact specs are. Here are some photo's too maybe help.
  4. i don't like half work. i believe that if you do something. do it good.
  5. the main reason i chose for be quied is because i believe it is more quied. but i do not know how loud the crosair cx600m is. so if you could tell me i would be really happy
  6. i'm really no amd fan. i use a laptop with a amd grapics card right now and i'n no fan of the whay the drivers work and how it handels some game's.
  7. oh just i to kown. this list of components cost €1999 so there is not a lot of room for updrading stuf just voor chancing stuf
  8. thanks. i do my best i have dyslexia and englisch is not my own language so it is pritty hard. but i always keep trying and one day i hope i won't make a single mistake anymore
  9. i want the 780ti because it can render my work in 3ds max faster than the 780 and than i can later (in about 3 years) add an 2e 780ti too keep the preformance up to date with the new game's i buy this computer with eye on the futere
  10. *buget is in € because i live in europe my buget is €2000
  11. before you all ask. yess i'm from holland and no i dit not put those links there. that whent autometic when i copyed the name
  12. hello everyone, soon (after my exems) i wanne build my first pc. (only owned laptops up untill now) most poeple think i'n crazy when i say what i wanne put in it but i think it is a pritty soled component list: nzxt phanton 530 black or white € 110 msi atx Z87-g45 € 128 intel i7- 4770K € 285 16 gb corsair vengeance (2x8) € 148 geforce gtx 780 ti msi € 604 corsair hydro h100i € 96 crosair cx series modular cx600m € 65 crusial m500 120gb + wd 2 tb € 147 ASUS PB238Q LED € 204 Logitech G510s Gaming Keyboard € 98 Logitech G500s Gaming Mouse € 63 3x crosair AF120 Quiet Edition, 120mm € 44 ( € 14 for 1) for extra quiet airflow my max buget is €2000 this list of components cost around €1992 prices come from this site (it is dutch so you might not understand every bit) http://azerty.nl/ what do you all think? i don't like half work. That i why i add a 780 ti in there and no regualar 780. i'n gonne use my pc mainly for gaming, video editing and some hard 3d modeling and rendering. any tips or changes that i sould make? (oh linus if you see this, could you please add a spellchecker to the forum. saves a lot of time for some poeple like me)
  13. hi everyone i'm wondering about something. soon (after exems) i'm gonne build my first computer and i'm planing oon watercooling it. what i'm wandering about is what is better. using soft tubes and you see mostly or hard tubes. what is less leaking and what is better in terms of preformance? blauwster soft: hard