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  1. I'm an intern for Computer Science and Computer Engineering for the University and this is something i get to do on the side. I don't have much experience in networking, as most of it is programming, testing and which is why I think it's going to be fun! Alas, my boss thinks it's good for me to drown a little. Currently my "brother in crime" and I have CENTOS running. The plan was to get Ovirt running on top of them. I haven't started getting Ovirt running however, we have been busy. We are not going to be putting together a HA cluster, as we decided this was less fun and is what everyone at the University does. Not having much experience in Clustering I would have shot for a Beowulf cluster, but I'm open to alternatives. I'm mainly worried because conceptually it seems pretty straightforward. Yet I'm assured by my professor that this will take longer than I think.
  2. Hey Y'all I'm get to play with some Servers whilst at work in my free time. i have a few servers that I am hoping to cluster together. Currently have them all hooked up to a switch and what will be the master node connecting to the outside world. Do you guys have any advice or guides on how to get this cluster started? Brandon
  3. Hey Enderman, So it's sole purpose is to expand dci ports? Brandon
  4. Hey Folks, Got myself a quadro cvs 420 from nvidia and it has a VHDCI port on it. Wondering if you guys knew what the benefits and drawbacks for the connection type where. In particular compared to DisplayPort, Hdmi, DCI. Brandon
  5. Hey Minibois, I looked at that implementation too! Although this won't work with my monitor unfortunately Brandon
  6. Yo! Non-Vesa Mounting time! I have a couple of really crude implementations to make my asus vs238 monitor swivel so i can use it vertically. I want to here from you guys on any ideas you might have! Brandon
  7. I should specify, taking advantage of MEBx Hotkeys
  8. Hey Guys! I'm just looking at some work logs, I came across MEBx accounts and am wondering if you guys know if there are any security issues revolving around MEBx accounts. --Brandon
  9. Username: FlabbyCat and my favorite videos at the moment! https://www.vessel.com/videos/Su_Wqd7Vl https://www.vessel.com/videos/JYZEYDYx0