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  1. Valur better but not better cpu Why not 2080ti? He will upgrade later anyway, and 2070 won't make him enjoy newer games for gaming
  2. Try saving up for Ryzen 7 3700 or I7 9700 and get a 2018ti, or will you upgrade again later?
  3. I should have seen this coming, i should have bought Amd stock way back, it all makes sense now.
  4. Didn't they say 3950x would come out in September?
  5. Kinda ironic that blizzard care about people's feelings now, and they been feeding us bullshit content since The lich king even Cata i would say. And year after year they see us not happy with the outcome, yet they keep feeding us with these fucking cosmetics in their shop n shit, i don't want a fucking flapping mini bird following me around during war and I clearly don't wanna run around with LGBT colored mounts.
  6. Oh, well i decided i will let 2019 run out and keep my eyes open in 2020, and if i see late releases then i just buy i9 or R9, just not sure which one i will get, i will mostly do gaming, and at the end of the day i know both CPU's will work for good for the next 5 to 10 years before i will upgrade again, and mabey go for 2080ti and just ride that out untill ye it stops working with what I do, the problem I have is that if i buy something i might say to myself why didn't i pick the other one ? i mean before it was obvious to me that I pick Intel, due they were the one most people had Amd was not on the map, but now it feels like 50/50
  7. I get the idea that Nvidia has a thing for 80' cards, i only know 680 that i had was good, then 1080ti really good if not their best card ever? And now 2080ti is good but i guess could have been a little bit better? Im not sure if u know the history of the nvidia cards but do they usually release the 90xx 10xx 20's the same year? If so that means it would take a long time for let's say 3080ti to be here, I might aswell go for 2080ti as soon I see a price drop
  8. Sorry ut didn't get this part "the xx80 should be slated to launch in 2020" what do you mean by slated?.
  9. I have a lot to learn ??, thanks
  10. Yea I mean with abit of common sense, a company or person doing something new for the first time, i don't expect Intel doing a super amazing GPU for their first release, i meen it's possible but very unlikely, my best guess is that it will be like a flop and mabey in the future they might do amazing with some more experience.
  11. Sorry but what is 13Tflop?, i might be totally wrong but is it threads flop?. Okay so, i might just wait 2020 and see how much the price drop for i9 and R9 and hopefully see more info on what the new CPU has, if price drops i mabey buy one of the i9 R9 and wait for more info on the GPU cards. As far as I know the CPU will work for years before you really need to upgrade them right? GPU on the other hand might need more upgrade depending on, i see people change GPU way more then CPU, i don't know mabey im wrong.?
  12. Yea i guess Intel got the message about their prices was sky high, and they must have been getting alot of shit with the ray-tracing, this might make them do a better job for the next part.
  13. Thanks alot for your time sharing with me, i will look into it more, and this gave me more information then i expected.
  14. Fair answer, i respect that. First of all I don't even know what 'rasterization' is ?. Like i said in the other comment, anything that can lead me somewhere new words or speculations will give me far more info then someone just writing a short rude answer for attention or likes. I wilö obviously not go with what someone says but atleast i get to think more and able to search more about that info, that way i might not post a forum post because now I have 1% more knowlage about a word or brand name, u get me? I respect your view, and what u just wrote and shared to me is way more value to me then, a short "can't see the future" type of comment, so thank you for sharing. Sure i know tech changes more then anything in my understanding, but then again, for me to hear brands and words i never heard before will help me alot more to kind of know what i will do.
  15. Atleast it gives me an idea, your answer gave me nothing, i rather go with something in mind then a shitty comment from you to be fair.