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    software developer


  • CPU
    Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz
  • RAM
    4GB DDR2
  • GPU
    ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro 256MB
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    500GB HDD
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    24" IPS
  • Keyboard
    Apple aluminum wired
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    Logitech M500
  • Operating System
    OS X 10.9.4

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  1. As I said, there's a big chance that this is bait to cover more important issues and the government doesn't actually want to issue the tax. Plus, the resistance is forming, so we hope they can't get this through even if they are serious about it.
  2. The main issue is not the amount, but the notion. For the record, the minimum wage (after taxes) is 217€ or $276. Avarage salary is about 490€ or $623 (after taxes). The amount of tax only makes sense if you know how to put that in perspective.
  3. I've also been following the news (I'm Hungarian). To clarify, this planned tax is for ISPs, but ultimately, it means that the end user would have to pay more one way or the other. Besides the fact that people are already heavily taxed in this country, my biggest issue with this planned tax is that it 1) could possibly restrict informational freedom by giving less people the possibility to pay the monthly Internet fee 2) would hold back the adoption of technological advancements (audio and video streaming, online storage, etc.) And yes, we are doing something about this. The plan was announced this afternoon, and there is already a protest being arranged on Facebook where 6k people said "going". https://www.facebook.com/events/881301788579327 The online press is full of articles on the issue and so is Twitter and Facebook. Hopefully Anonymous knows about this already, or will soon. One more thing to mention: there was another big piece of news today about 6 Hungarian citizens that were barred from entering the United States. The whole thing is a mess, and very little is known, but one thing is certain: these 6 people were all public officials or affiliated with the Hungarian government and were involved in some sort of political corruption. The Internet tax plan could potentially be a fraud to draw people's attention away from this corruption issue. Whatever is the case, Hungarians should give attention to both issues and the connection between them.
  4. Congratulations, guys! You truly deserve the 1M subscribers. My favorite series is the WAN show. I don't watch it live, but I almost always watch the VOD. I miss guests a little bit though. Maybe you could invite people once a month or so.