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  • CPU
    Intel i7 4770k
  • Motherboard
    ASUS Z87-A
  • RAM
    8 gb Adata
  • GPU
    Asus gtx 980
  • Case
    NZXT H440
  • Storage
    Seagate 2 Terabyte
  • PSU
    Evga Supernova G 1000w
  • Cooling
    Swiftech H240-X

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  1. Thanks for the tip. I have a 1000w EVGA supernova G2 (I think) so I thought that it would be beefy enough to handle, but maybe at some point I'll need to upgrade. Also I'm moving soon so don't mind the cord mess hahaha
  2. Hello LTT community and @Void Master I wanted to follow up and let you know the problem wasn't fixed by switching the USB ports. I should have done something like this sooner, but I was too infuriated to think straight. The problem is in this picture: It looks awfully nice at first glance, but the problem is actually the light that is surrounding my camera. The light is powered off of USB and I stupidly thought the problem was my microphone the whole time......The reason the computer couldn't figure our what drivers it was supposed to use is because the light had no drivers! Anyways, thank you again @Void Master for all of your help, I figured I would follow up and let you know that the problem is 100% confirmed fixed Now, maybe I can try to work on that DAC of mine and get that sorted next See ya, Sam
  3. @Void Master Thank you for all of your help today. the issue was solved by converting everything over to USB 2.0 except for the microphone. I plugged that into the USB 3.2 Gen 2 and that worked for whatever reason.
  4. @Void Master Not sure if this helps narrow down the problem:
  5. @Void Master I just reinstalled them. No dice, it seems. Any other ideas?
  6. @Void Master hahahah I kinda figured. No dice on the reinstall of the audio drivers I honestly have no idea what else could be done.
  7. @Void MasterI will try doing that, but the other aspect to this is the notification in the bottom right corner of this screen. Does this provide any additional help?
  8. @Void Master I actually had a spare, it did the same error with that and a different microphone as well. I never had this problem until I de dusted my computer. Do you think that could have created an error?
  9. Hey everyone, I am getting this error after plugging in my USB condenser microphone (MXL Tempo). It is a driverless microphone and it keeps disconnecting and reconnecting, which is playing that windows sound that indicates there is a new USB device plugged in. I don't know what will fix this as I have redownloaded all drivers, uninstalled, disabled, re enabled, changed power settings, pretty much everything you can think of. Does anyone have any idea about what can truly fix this issue? Thank you, Sam Intel 10700k Gigabyte Auros AC Pro Wifi (Z490) Ballistix 16GB ram
  10. @The Flying Sloth Thanks for the advice. I'm not sure what they would do for a six year old product, but it can't hurt to try, right?
  11. @Tigerleon @rice guru Thank you both for the replies. It just seems that I have issues with the DAC so often that it is likely that I will have to buy a new one (unfortunately). I don't want to dish out the cash but whatever lol. Thank you both again.
  12. IMG_5567 (1).MOV Hey LTT community, I have something happening to my DAC upon startup which is kinda crazy and really loud in the ears. It sounds like mega static and it only goes away if i unplug everything and then plug it back in like a year later. Does anyone know what the cause is? Check the video for the sound. Thank you, TheSuperSawm
  13. Thank you so much...I hated most of the Mac options lol
  14. Hey everyone, I was wondering if it was possible to use a windows keyboard on a mac, and if there were any complications I might have to deal with if I try it. Thank you!