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  1. I see Alex got a bunch of new metal working stuff. I console game instead of pc, because learning to use the keyboard to move is like learning to play the piano with my left hand.... It's hard, and I just don't want to. I am awesome with a mouse however... and playing shooters without a mouse sucks. So I would like Alex to build me a keyboard with a joystick or d-pad built in so that me and all the other gamers that grew up on console can enjoy the superior graphics and weapon control that pc gamers enjoy.... Thanks!
  2. Asrock. It works perfectly if I don't disconnect the mains... So I just never do that anymore. It is pretty old (z68/2600k), so I just figured it was that... I am going to strip and rebuild it soon, just to tidy it up and modify the case, so I will see what happens then... If it's a loose connection or something....
  3. I get the exact same problem when I turn my pc off at the power. I have tried cmos reset, and ruled out ram as the problem. I asked on toms hardware forum a few days ago, but no one answered. The only solution I have found is to get very angry, pick the pc up and bash it on the desk hard a few times. Not an ideal solution obviously.....
  4. Hey All, I was wondering if anyone knows of a contact point for LTT's Youtube channel. I have an idea for a video, but can't seem to find any way to submit said idea. Thanks!