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  1. The Zen2 lineup of CPUs are happy with 3200mhz DDR4 according to their website, and I believe 3200 was the sweet spot for the 2000 series as well. For $70, Newegg has the 2x8 kit you're asking about. Especially if coming in $30 under budget on RAM allows you to go 3700X instead of 3600X. ($80 price difference between chips) https://www.newegg.com/g-skill-16gb-288-pin-ddr4-sdram/p/N82E16820231941?item=N82E16820231941&ignorebbr=true&source=googleshopping&nm_mc=knc-googleadwords-mobile&cm_mmc=knc-googleadwords-mobile-_-pla-_-memory+(desktop+memory)-_-N82E16820231941&gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgezoBRDNARIsAGzEfe6ycSXQHnUBWlJqo5Gg8ONR0F7LbsxYGjv-t70pnhTEuiMHWLoWGeEaAkGcEALw_wcB
  2. Thanks for the input! Yeah, I quite literally have everything sitting around waiting on CPU/Mobo lol. This is going to be an upgrade from an Athlon X4 750K... So you can see why I'm excited. Lol!
  3. I'm looking to grab a 3900X and motherboard (undecided) on launch day if possible. The rest of my build is ready to go, so I'm a bit eager to see what the 3900X can do. Have any retailers confirmed they'll have product on shelves on the 7th? Best Buy, Fry's Electronics, etc? I can't find the answer anywhere, so it's likely a dumb question, but thought I'd ask. Thanks!