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ARitz Cracker

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About ARitz Cracker

  • Birthday Apr 15, 1997

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Ontario, Canada


  • CPU
    Intel i7 5820k
  • Motherboard
    Gigabyte X99-UD5 WIFI
  • RAM
    3x 8GB G.Skill (One of my memory channels is busted, apparently)
  • GPU
    GTX 980Ti
  • Case
    Lian-Li PC-07s
  • Storage
    Samsung 256 M.2 Sata3 SSD + Samsung 850 EVO 1TB Sata3 SSD
  • PSU
    Thermaltake 750W
  • Display(s)
    Some BENQ 1080p 24"
  • Cooling
    Liquid (GPU + CPU + Chipset + triple rad from koolance)
  • Keyboard
    Logitech G910 Orion spark
  • Mouse
    Anker Ergonomic mouse
  • Sound
    Micca bookshelf speakers + Lepy 20W amp
  • Operating System
    Windows 10 Pro + Kubuntu 20.04
  • Laptop
    Lenovo Flex 14 w/ Ryzen 7 3000 + 20GB of RAM

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  1. Sorry for the slow update guys, the thing took longer to ship cuz they didn't know it was out of stock. (Which seems to be a common problem?) But it's on its way now and I'll be able to assemble the thing late next week.
  2. Interesting. I don't think I'd ever be into linear switches, and I'm not 100% sure if I want a switch with no pre-travel. I went with the Brown's cuz I have blues for my office, and while they're fun to use, I just wanted something that still clicked but a bit quieter and with less actuation force.
  3. Sweet, thank you! For some reason I didn't think that amazon.ca was going to be a viable option. So, I think I know what I want now. I'll be getting a Barbones Keychron V6 as a base, (The Q6 looks very nice but that'd put the build over my budget lol) the switches will be Gateron KS-9 Browns (2 x 65pcs order since that's what's in stock rn) with these nice side-print key-caps. You've been an amazing help, I definitely would have taken me a lot longer to come to a decision without your help. So, again, thank you!
  4. Yeah, I'll definitely price compare. No suggestions for keycap sets for backlit keyboards? These where all I could find so far: https://www.wasdkeyboards.com/backlit-doubleshot-pbt-black.html
  5. Using ubuntu instead of ubuntu server doesn't make it easier to set up an always online background task like this. This minimal service setup was always good enough for me personally, since someone had OP and if no one did, I could temporarily start the server in a shell. Out of curiosity, I did some searching, haven't tried this myself, but apparently in the [Service] section of the service config file, you can expose the console input by using the StandardInput field, and I'm sure there's an easy way to utilize this, I just haven't done the experimentation myself yet.
  6. Seems like I can get a barebones V6 so I can use whatever keycaps I want. Not sure where to get custom keycaps with shine-through, tho.
  7. Thanks for the suggestion! Though I probably should have mentioned that I'd like a 104-key, I'd rather have the numpad than not.
  8. "journalctl -u minecraft.service", then press the [end] key on your keyboard to see the most recent logs. Navigate with the arrow keys. Press "Q" to exit the log view. You can also add "-e -f" at the end of the command to get a stream of most recent log entry's if that's what you want. If you're asking how you would enter commands from the console, this basic setup won't allow that.
  9. It's a PITA to clean and the soldered switches rub me the wrong way. Agreed, I use one for my office. But I want RGB for my gamer desk.
  10. You said you're running Ubuntu server, look up how to create your own systemd service, you probably want the "simple" type. You can also configure your systemd service file to auto-restart the server when it crashes, and to auto-start when the server reboots. Edit: create a file called /etc/systemd/system/minecraft.service Read this: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.service.html then you can do "systemctl start minecraft" to start your server and "systemctl enable minecraft" to make it autostart on system startup. Your target should probably be "multi-user.target" and after "network.target" Edit2: Just cuz dumping docs on someone is stupid, I'll give you an example based on a service I already run [Unit] Description=Epic 1337 Minecraft Server After=network.target [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=java /path/to/server/files/minecraft.jar WorkingDirectory=/path/to/server/files Restart=always RestartSec=5 KillMode=mixed TimeoutSec=120 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
  11. Hey there! I've got a Logitech G910 that's seemingly going bad. I've had it for 5ish years. The problem is that the switches are getting... Bouncy, erroneously registering multiple keypresses or registering them too late, making typing of any kind very frustrating. Now I did take off all the keycaps and cleaned it, though the issue persists, and while fixing it would be ideal, the nontrivial disassembly and soldered-on switches have always been a pain point for me. And so, I think I would like see my options for keyboards out there. My ideal keyboard would be RGB Backlit (ofc) Keycaps wouldn't be completely opaque, letters should glow. Replaceable switches. (More important than glowing letters) (Nice-to-have) programmable dedicated macro keys. (Nice-to-have) the ability to upload your own design for the keycaps, I've used wasdkeyboards.com/ for my office setup, but they don't seem to have backlit keyboard options. Doesn't require its own software to control its colours/macros (OpenRGB support is fine) The upper limit of my budget is $300 CAD. Any suggestions are appreciated!
  12. Lol, you just made me realize that one of GN's biggest concern is LMG rushing to hit arbitrary deadlines, and the first thing they did was to set an arbitrary deadline. but hey, maybe the continued silence shows that they are learning
  13. I'm going to give Linus the benefit of the doubt and say that he does genuinely believe that he's a good person and that his mission is just. I can say that from personal experience, the problem with believing that you are the most just, fair, righteous, etc. is that it's super easy to blind yourself to your own flaws. The thought process goes, "I am an idealistic person, therefore I will always act on my ideals". With that assumption in mind, you will miss when you're excessively compromising or going against your own ideals. The result is being perceived as hypocritical. The biggest evidence to me that Linus is a person who actually cares is the "sad linus" stream, but it also shows me that he's the kind of person who can get blinded by his own idealization, to the point where it takes a family tragedy or some major controversy before he can take a step back and truly see how the results of his actions/inaction affects people. As long as the LMG is an extension of Linus, this will also reflect in how the company is ran. So yeah, I guess this is the big wake-up call. An opportunity to fully examine whether or not Linus, and by extension, LMG, is capable of solving the conflicts between their stated mission/ideals and the execution. Linus is someone who I personally idolize, so I really hope that he and those in his inner circle take this opportunity well.
  14. I... am actually not going to fault that in of itself. Optimizing for minimal liability with maximum power retention is what you should do in a leadership position. If you wanna stay in power that is. But at the same time, if you're going to advertise data-driven content and support for novel tech... you gotta make good on those promises. And... well... not fuck over people's livelihoods with misinformation and gross negligence in the process.
  15. Eh, well, the vibe I personally got from that was "I am still running the show, but I don't want to deal with the logistics of running a company" especially if the shareholders never changed. This... actually would make Terran more of a COO than a CEO in the traditional sense.