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  1. hi everyone, just signed up to forums. impeccable timing; I was just thinking, "i should really update that yosemite hack, maybe I should re-visit virtualization..." and then I decide to go to youtube - posted "1 min ago" was this video. cool stuff. anyway, I scripted most of it, have not tested but probably fine eh assumes some Arch variant, and also assumes intel cpu, but can be changed with variables at top. mac machine: #!/bin/bash set -e git clone https://github.com/PassthroughPOST/Hackintosh-KVM chmod +x Hackintosh-KVM/create_iso_highsierra.sh ./Hackintosh-KVM/create_iso_highsierra.sh linux machine: #!/bin/bash AMD=false FILEPATH=$PWD set -e sudo pacman -S libvirt qemu ovm virt-manager systemctl enable libvirtd systemctl start libvirtd mkdir -p osx86 && cd osx86 git clone https://github.com/kholia/OSX-KVM & git clone https://github.com/PassthroughPOST/Hackintosh-KVM && for FILE in OSX-KVM/OVMF_CODE.fd OSX-KVM/OVMF_VARS.fd; do cp $FILE .; done CPU=$(if ${AMD}; then echo "amd"; else echo "intel"; fi) cd Hackintosh-KVM cp Example-XML-files/osx_${CPU}_i440fx.xml ./${CPU}_hackintosh.xml python3 - ./${CPU}_hackintosh.xml ${FILEPATH}/Hackintosh-KVM << EOF import sys filename = sys.argv[1] ovmf_code = f'{sys.argv[2]}/OVMF_CODE.fd' ovmf_vars = f'{sys.argv[2]}/OVMF_VARS.fd' def replace(line, keyword, path, opts=''): if f'<{keyword}' in line and opts in line: head = ' '.join((keyword, opts)) if opts else keyword return f'<{head}>{path}</{keyword}>' print(f'Opening {filename}...') lines, omitNext = [], False with open(filename, 'r') as xml: for line in xml: if omitNext and "<qemu:arg value=" in line: omitNext = False elif "<qemu:arg value='-object'/>" in line: omitNext = True else: lines.append(line) lines.append('</domain>') with open(filename, 'w') as xml: for line in lines: line = replace( line, 'loader', ovmf_code "readonly='yes' type='pflash'", ) line = replace(line, 'nvram', ovmf_vars) line = replace(line, 'name', 'Hackintosh') xml.write(line) EOF virsh define hackintosh.xml