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Emil_Loenneberg SE

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Everything posted by Emil_Loenneberg SE

  1. Yes I am actually hahahah. And thank you so much!! This forum is amazing
  2. Oh yeah I should do that, but I just don't know how to replace one lol and I'm kinda scared of fucking up. My friend built this for me, and he moved away 4 hours now lol.
  3. Oh okay fair enough. Would it be a problem if I continued to use this one, if I can live with the noise problem?
  4. My fan which is 4 years old at this point makes a lot of noise as you can hear in the video. Why and what can I do to fix it? 354430298_7127410947276046_8954210367844247530_n.mp4
  5. I don't have access to my old mail and I am pretty sure it got deleted after I graudated
  6. I saved my school OneNote that I used for 3 years by sharing it over mail to my normal mail. My school mail has since been deleted, and that's why I shared it with my normal mail. For a while I could always open my OneNote, but now everytime I go into it just comes with the message "404 FILE NOT FOUND". Does this mean my OneNote has been deleted forever? Can I ever get it back?
  7. It's not in Task Manager. I haven't actually opened the program. It's an anticheat program for CS:GO.
  8. I can't uninstall a program called "esportal". Everytime I try to uninstall it, nothing happens. This doens't happen with other things. When I click uninstall with other things, then it actually uninstalls it, just not with this program called "esportal". It's a legit program.
  9. If I sent a friend request to someone and then later shows that I can only message that person, what does that mean? I also took a screenshot of it, so you can see what I'm talking about. https://imgur.com/a/uLRYUH4
  10. Hi. I'm having a hard time understanding what this code does.
  11. Can you explain to me the effect of this code?
  12. So the variable $id gets its values from ID in the database right?
  13. Thanks so much, so should I not add anything to the other tables and just go like that?
  14. I have these three tables in PHPMyAdmin MySQL. I am trying to make a website where I can add a product to a cart. Products - [Id, Name, Description, Price] Carts/Lists [Id, TotalPrice] ProductsInCarts [CartId, ProductId, Quantity, Price, TotalPrice] But I have no idea how to relate them or how many characters they should allow, neither do I know what type or attribute should be added. I was thinking that products are added to basket in ProductsInCarts where CartId relates to Id in Cart Table, ProductId to Id in Products etc. But I am not sure how to do it.
  15. I need to use php, that's what my teacher says
  16. So kind of make 1 page at a time? Ok Thanks!!