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  • CPU
    R5 2600x @3.8GHz
  • Motherboard
    Gigabyte Aorus Pro B450
  • RAM
    Patriot Viper 3200MHz 16GB
  • GPU
    Gigabyte Windforce RTX 2070
  • Storage
    150GB Boot SSD. 1TB HDD, 2TB HDD @7200RPM
  • Cooling
    Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO Black
  • Operating System
    Windows 10

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  1. Resolved - performed a clean install and used a different virtualisation method, also needed to enable virtualisation in bios as it happened not to be on for some reason!
  2. i have got past this but now have VBox.logthis crash
  3. I have now got past this, but i have boot loop issues. Stays in a shell and reboots vbox
  4. Hi all, Just set up a Mac VM following the steps from a website. https://spike-app.com/install-spike-using-xcode/ I am installing an app I use to read my blood sugar levels as a type one diabetic. Unfortunately, there aren't any official medical options available to us as an alternative right now, so I require to create a Mac VM following the steps on the link shown above. I have virtual box and everything else installed. The VB appears to begin booting and hangs here If anyone knows what i can do to solve this, would appreciate it. EDIT: Should have listed my specs! RTX 2070 Ryzen 5 2600 Aorus B450 Pro motherboard 32GB DDR4 @3000mhz Virtualisation is enabled in BIOS. Apologies if its obvious, but i havent ever setup or even used a VM before
  5. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiAhJf--dvqAhXVgFAGHXeRCm0YABAEGgJkZw&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQOD2-kU12tpQtVm30UnVywLHwzjPQeZOcJHuANE2rHUyv98WBu8nJzvCpfT_taOWr8CH2-WlcEHb1OuVv6VKZhU&sig=AOD64_0FkWd2h4GobjgmRJb2lkAqvQ_W0w&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiIso_--dvqAhU3QUEAHf9sBMcQ9aACegQIDRBQ&adurl=https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiAhJf--dvqAhXVgFAGHXeRCm0YABAEGgJkZw&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQOD2-kU12tpQtVm30UnVywLHwzjPQeZOcJHuANE2rHUyv98WBu8nJzvCpfT_taOWr8CH2-WlcEHb1OuVv6VKZhU&sig=AOD64_0FkWd2h4GobjgmRJb2lkAqvQ_W0w&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiIso_--dvqAhU3QUEAHf9sBMcQ9aACegQIDRBQ&adurl=https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiAhJf--dvqAhXVgFAGHXeRCm0YABAEGgJkZw&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQOD2-kU12tpQtVm30UnVywLHwzjPQeZOcJHuANE2rHUyv98WBu8nJzvCpfT_taOWr8CH2-WlcEHb1OuVv6VKZhU&sig=AOD64_0FkWd2h4GobjgmRJb2lkAqvQ_W0w&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiIso_--dvqAhU3QUEAHf9sBMcQ9aACegQIDRBQ&adurl=https://www.overclockers.co.uk/gigabyte-b450-aorus-pro-socket-am4-ddr4-atx-motherboard-mb-572-gi.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwgdX4BRB_EiwAg8O8HeMt-8ok3-Ghp0AzJ3P3rDHxwzwKo4_tLBlRVc5rLhEn17_q00XsjRoCiYYQAvD_BwE Running my 6 core at 4.1GHz no problem?
  6. its pretty entry level, sorry if ive revived a dead thread here, its a gigabyte aorus pro B450m
  7. Okay, this is good to hear. By two years i should have more than enough to at least upgrade the processor. its what makes me happy that i went AMD. All the way up to R9 they use AM4. My board im pretty sure has R9 support so in the next 2 years i could possibly buy an r9, maybe an extra amount of ram and upgrade that GPU when needed. Thanks for the help everyone
  8. In which case question answered. I use it to listen to music, play a couple of pc exclusives, I do a small amount of beginners programming and using the web, so i suppose overall it was a better idea.
  9. Not at all. What I am saying is would it have been a better overall choice to wait for console and buy that instead? I'm 14, that extra 250 or more pounds is a LOT of money to me.
  10. I am more than satisfied with my results, this machine is a beast. But ive owned it just under a year, will it seriously after that short period be no more than "average" so to speak? Nice pun BTW
  11. I have built a rig with an RTX 2070 Ryzen 5 2600x 1 Boot SSD and some Hard drives for the less demanding games 16 GB DDR4 3200Mhz RAM. After hearing the new Xbox and PC Specs, I feel like I have spent a butt ton of money after saving for so long (as i'm 14, so small jobs and chores paid for this machine) for the same sort of gaming performance I would get on the new console, and whilst the argument for upgradability for PC does come into play, I won't have that kind of value to buy say a new gen Graphics card along with a faster CPU etc. So I'm curious to know whether or not i have just spent a lot of money for a PC where i could have gotten the same performance on the xbox, and whilst I know that personally PC has my favourite exclusives, along with the ability to do things such as web browsing, programming and video editing, would it have just been better to buy a console?
  12. Using AMD for Processors for ages. A couple of their GPUs can be a little unreliable but that normally happens during the warranty period and you can get it sorted. For processors there is no issues as of now for me.
  13. It will only make a difference if it is using all of that RAM. Does the RAM usage ever get that high? If yes you can upgrade but you probably wont see that much of a difference in terms of performance if it isnt maxing out the RAM.
  14. This is good to hear. Yes I know in the future 144hz will be a miss, eventually games will fall below that barrier, which is why im glad i have a gsync monitor. As long as i get 60fps I know thats a solid performance and ill always take it. Thanks!