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Everything posted by LTTmurphy

  1. I don't, since I don't watch 4K myself because I can't in lack of a 4K monitor or tv. No one does when sitting in an appropriate viewing distance for that resolution. ??? Let X feet be the appropriate viewing distance for a 4K TV at any size. If you sit X feet away from that TV watching 1080p content it's pixelated. Unless you sit even further away.
  2. Not that I watch 4K myself (because I can't in lack of a 4K monitor or tv) but what about anyone who does own a 4K TV and sits in an appropriate viewing distance for that resolution? For them 1080p content will look pixelated unless they sit even further away
  3. I wonder if anyone will ever answer the question I exhumed this thread for :3 I slowly start to understand the despise against doing so ...
  4. Yeah, not only do I remember this (it was a WAN Show like 2 or 3 weeks ago, don't remember which one exactly either) but it also was in the back of my mind when posting my question regarding 24 fps vs 30 fps. Anyone answering it – while tbh everything else in this thread has already been thouroughly discussed, especially the opening post ;] – seems to narrow it down to cinematography elitism. This was the only thing I could think of myself, however I truly didn't post to empasize this but to honestly find out if there might be any factual, practical, professional reasons I could just not think of ... I would assume that the camera guys, whom Linus constantly goshs over as being so qualified and professional (especially one of them), wouldn't constantly nag at their boss about it without any substantial reasonings behind it, because that would exactly not be professionalism or a matter-of-fact qualification. So I'm trying to find out about those arguments. Which arguments? The one argmument that I know from experience is that Youtube's 60 fps video files are way smaller than double of otherwise identical 30 fps files, which inevitably means a loss in quality. So I get their opposition against that. Their favoritism of 24 fps I don't. For 30fps against 60fps yes, because either you need significantly more storage or you will lose quality. For 24fps against 30fps no, because IMO the size difference is too insignificant to justify the downsides. There we go again Anything else, anyone? Off Topic: At least I can comprehend this. Be it for the exact reasons you mentioned afterwards (which is my stock argument against delusional wax heads), or be it for just liking the potentially "warmer" sound more. But preferring stutter in pan shots over no stutter? I don't get it.
  5. Thanks for your quick answer, altough I specifically doubted that smaller file sizes etc. are the reasons given their storage capacities and the minor differences between 24 and 30 concerning that matter. The former is exactly what I thought but kept to myself to not influence any response – yet as for the latter I agree with earlier posters who already stated how meaningless cinematography aspects are as far as the given content is concerned (meaning what they're doing also doesn't benefit from diverging from the 30 fps Youtube standard), hence me pointing out "tech-related talking head videos on Youtube or Floatplane" and "for a channel like Mac Address" ;D I'm curious if anyone has any idea besides what the two of us were suspecting ...
  6. This ^ ... except, as many have mentioned already, when it comes to showing gameplay footage. I endorse LMG for not catering to YouTube's forced 60 fps nonsense, because for trivial technical reasons I need 30 fps and as soon as 1080p 60fps is provided I can't get 1080p 30fps anymore. I condemn GN, PH and other channels of the nature of LTT for mindlessly indulging in that imposed trend – JTC also doesn't, although to his typical shenanigans like blowing up watercooling loops and flying drones in his warehouse it might even be beneficial – since in general it's utterly pointless for their channels and mostly their content but means a lot of extra hassle for me and others at the current state of a given environment. The reason I reply to this old thread (despite it's despised for whatever reason even if there is not a significant newer one on the same topic), besides stating the above to encourage LMG to stick to 30 fps, is the following: Linus has stated on multiple occasions in the past that his camera department keeps nagging at him to let them shoot at 23.976 fps, and for Mac Address they're actually doing it now ... which I don't really comprehend when it comes to tech-related talking head videos on Youtube or Floatplane. What are the advantages and/or motivations (I assume it's not storage size) to film for a channel like Mac Address and distribute to streaming platforms in 23.976 fps?
  7. I didn't say they changed it, but pointed out they left it untouched. Remarkably enough, to this day despite the unequivocal hint ...
  8. You're absolutely correct - thanks for noticing what I thought to be obvious based on what I wrote. A "change" also includes the possibility of a considerate note or monochrome image though, as it is common practice.
  9. Our Team — Linus Media Group TYLER CURRY Studio Manager Questionable oversight or intentional commemorance? From my 10 years of experience with LTT/LMG both is equally possible. If it's intentional, I wouldn't endorse it personally, but it's obviously the company's decision how to handle it and to leave it untouched to commemorate. If it's unintentional, I'm simply not surprised.