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Everything posted by Ah2004

  1. i dont like loud keyboards i like anything that is tactile and gives me some feed back plus lots of people like brown switches and there quite popular and honestly even a membrane keyboard is gonna be just fine for me but since iam building a setup mechanical keyboards is something i would love to try
  2. where can i find one, i think i heard cherry gives some switch testers?
  3. saw it in the linus keyboard vid a few days back he did recommend it
  4. the only pc stores near me are bestbuy and canada computers (yes i live in canada and im 15 but i doubt my dad will have anytime to take me their.
  5. iam not sure if this keyboard even is kailh tbh, but iam pretty sure i heard it from techsource that the switches are kailh https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07WSC6TQ4/ref=ox_sc_act_title_7?smid=A2FK9EP27A6ZE6&psc=1
  6. never tested a mech keyboard in my life but from some research i feel like browns are best for me
  7. rip i know cherry switches are more expensive i specifically looking towards this keyboard https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07WSC6TQ4/ref=ox_sc_act_title_7?smid=A2FK9EP27A6ZE6&psc=1
  8. i want one too they look awesome
  9. want the glorious pc gaming race mice two questions Model o- vs model d (just came out) and glossy vs matte I have small hands so the minus is better suited for my hand size. which one do you prefer? is the extra 10 dollars for glossy worth it?
  10. hey just wanted to know if this motherboard supports 3rd gen ryzen https://www.asus.com/ca-en/Motherboards/ROG-STRIX-B450-I-GAMING/
  11. ok thx also is it possible you can guide me through how to get white cablemod cables. is there like a kit or something for psu's
  12. "yeah like that helps a lot" i am going to build a gaming rig by the end of this year hopefully
  13. oh no i saw this random vid of this guy playing rocket league on a the old quadro so i decided to just see how it compared to my titan rtx hehe
  14. I was just playing around and comparing random graphics cards to my laptops integrated graphics on user benchmark when i came across this. Now i feel like my Gpu has been bullied https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Intel-Mobile-Series-4-Express-Chipset-Family-vs-Nvidia-Quadro-FX-2700M/m7651vsm7747
  15. i decided to get a 1080ti i live in canada, Ontario and i am fine with used, open box, etc. as long as it has not been used heavily for like bit coining mining and stuff. what is the cheapest i can get the cheapest on ebay or kijji?
  16. okay have fun watching the game movie thing
  17. oh and since i am horrible and convincing people here is something https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/3ed3o6/is_rocketleague_worth_the_20/
  18. in my opinion it should cost $50 definitely worth it if you wanna put the time in to it. trust me in the starting you will probably be like nope this game is trash but after like week or two you will realize the potential of the game. and the community is pretty nice except a few toxic people.
  19. Np problem do me a favor if you don't play Rocket league play it too i will guarantee if you put the time in to it you will love it.
  20. its called Late shift and its like this interactive movie thing