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    Budapest, Hungary
  • Biography
    Transportation Engineer being a smartass in computers and sh!t. Also a train addict. Also hates HIMYM.

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  1. What I suspected at first was a kind of signal redundancy, as he used the internal DP injection port, despite the back I/O has a separate one, but your idea seems more legit
  2. There never will be a thumbnail, which pleases everyone's needs, for example, I really like this style. ?
  3. It's not about the warranty, but that people ar afraid to build themselves. Imagine someone having it's first desktop ever. For example, one of my friends have a laptop, and her family has a 10-15 years old desktop. If she want's to get a new one, she won't play with hundreds of dollars worth components, she'll pass the hassle to a system builder. The sad thing is these people can be fooled. And most of the tested companies tried to.
  4. Good question, but I think no, because then, they'd get a hell lot of RMA-s. (we're picky AF ? )
  5. I hope, there'll be an update video, where they test these machines. I don't really know, why some of these sellers think, that a person willing to spend half of it's monthly income don't have the right to know what components of the PC. Also, I don't understand, why companies think, making a fool of a person ("buy a Z390 boars, 'cause it's faster" or "buy a 120GB SSD it'll be enough"... GTA V is more than 70GB alone, for f*cks sake!!!!) is a good marketing plan... I was disappointed seeing my home countries' (Hungary FYI) system builders companies recommendations, but this is madness... Look at this for example. OK, it's shipped with a B360 mobo, but you can call them to upgrade, and it'll be still under 2000 CAD (the price you see at the bottom is after a 25% VAT)