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  1. Nah that's TechQuickie, the LTT main channel is "terminated" AKA taken offline by Youtube already to prevent the spread of the SCAM videos.
  2. Wait, you actually think this was a Musk fanboy, as opposed to someone preying on Musk fanboys? Huh. Some people will belive anything.
  3. Damn they got all the channels, LTT, Techquickie, TechLinked. Clearly a top level person got hacked.
  4. What are you smoking? The 5700XT costs more SH than the 6600XT costs new, and you lose warranty. Same for 1080, only this one also performs worse. Or do you mean he should go back in time to buy a GPU 1 or 2 years ago?
  5. @Levent I'm curious.. do you think that the manufacturer just put unnecessary parts on the board? Why would they do that? If it's on there, it's required for the PROPER functioning of the board. And running it without is a RISK. And I did say that he should take it into a repair shop if he lacks the tools or the knowledge to repair it himself. I only brought up Youtube to show that the lack of solder pad is not something that makes a repair impossible.
  6. 5 seconds on Youtube will get you lots of results of how you can fix/get around a missing solder pad and still solder the components back on. It's still the best chance to make the board run properly and not risk further damage.
  7. 1st thing: Do NOT plug that card back in. Every component is important on it so you can't randomly cut bits off. You run the very high risk of irreversably damaging other components on the board. if you try to run that thing. If you don't have the tools and the knowledge to solder it back on yourself, or don't know someone who does, take it into a computer repair shop, along with the little part that fell off and have them solder it back on.
  8. When are dbrand gonna come out with a case/skin for Xeons? Linus clearly is in dire need of one.
  9. Couldn't you take 2 really bad 8 core chiplets with 3 defective cores each, stick them togheter with some Infinity Fabric, and call the result a 10 core? I don't know how good AMD's 7nm yield is. It might be that chiplets with that many defective cores are very rare. They might just chuck them outright because it's not economically viable.
  10. Did you feel the need to reinforce that you're a grownup who owns stock? No one here would judge you if you just wanted to game on your machine. It seems like over-compensating? Unless you meant that you're a veteran gamer and just watch EA and Activision stock drop for the schadenfreunde?
  11. If VRAM is an issue, AMD has a 16gb card coming out ? Might be an issue power/thermal-wise and maybe price too (700$US).
  12. No the 1070 is not the only choice, since he said he's looking to change it later in the year. A 570 is half the price, and it gives decent performance in 1080p. If you get the 1070 might as well keep it and wait for the next gen, since it gives enough performance on 1440p. In short: get the rx570 for 1080p or the 1070 for 1440p.
  13. The Origin PC is a quarter or less the volume of a normal sized case. That does deserve a premium for some people. I myself would never pay that much for just size but some would. Add to that the marketing they're doing and you'll understand the price. They sure are pushing these things hard to 9 year olds, though.
  14. The main problem is not latency, that is a distant second behind the video quality you get. It's like playing games on a Twitch stream. The compression artifacts are horrible. A PS4 Pro or X.B.O.X. give vastly better visuals and cost less even if you have to replace the machine completely EVERY YEAR. There is no way this will catch on with the mainstream unless every single game publisher joins a videogame cartel and makes all games exclusive to cloud computing as the ultimate DRM.